
【 使用环境 】生产环境 or 测试环境
【 OB or 其他组件 】
【 使用版本 】
正在部署 obproxy-ce: display finished
install oceanbase-ce- for local ok
install obproxy-ce- for local ok
| Packages |
| Repository | Version | Release | Md5 |
| oceanbase-ce | | 109010012024101414.el7 | 67b8a2b699db96053d3f8d8ba3116b0e97a27722 |
| obproxy-ce | | 4.el7 | 835f4803c1f4da186439323b66c51db4662678a3 |
Repository integrity check ok
Load param plugin ok
Open ssh connection ok
Parameter check ok
Cluster status check ok
Initializes observer work home ok
Initializes obproxy work home ok
Remote oceanbase-ce- repository install ok
Remote oceanbase-ce- repository lib check !!
Remote obproxy-ce- repository install ok
Remote obproxy-ce- repository lib check ok
Try to get lib-repository
install oceanbase-ce-libs- for local ok
Remote oceanbase-ce-libs- repository install ok
Remote oceanbase-ce- repository lib check ok
myoceanbase2 deployed
Search plugins ok
Load cluster param plugin ok
Check before start observer ok
[WARN] OBD-1011: ( The recommended value of fs.aio-max-nr is 1048576 (Current value: 65536)
[WARN] OBD-1007: ( The recommended number of open files is 655350 (Current value: 65535)
[WARN] OBD-1007: ( The recommended number of max user processes is 655350 (Current value: 120000)
[WARN] OBD-1007: ( The recommended number of core file size is unlimited (Current value: 0)
[WARN] OBD-1007: ( The recommended number of stack size is unlimited (Current value: 8192)
[WARN] OBD-1017: ( The value of the “vm.max_map_count” must be within [327600, 1310720] (Current value: 65530, Recommended value: 655360)
[WARN] OBD-1017: ( The value of the “fs.file-max” must be greater than 6573688 (Current value: 1600318, Recommended value: 6573688)
[WARN] OBD-1012: ( clog and data use the same disk (/)

Start observer ok
observer program health check ok
Connect to observer

一直卡在Connect to observer是什么原因啊,最后报错数据库安装失败
[2024-10-30 13:01:55.836] [ERROR] File “socket.py”, line 796, in create_connection
[2024-10-30 13:01:55.836] [ERROR] ConnectionRefusedError: [Errno 111] Connection refused
[2024-10-30 13:01:55.836] [ERROR]
[2024-10-30 13:01:55.836] [ERROR] During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
[2024-10-30 13:01:55.836] [ERROR]
[2024-10-30 13:01:55.837] [ERROR] Traceback (most recent call last):
[2024-10-30 13:01:55.837] [ERROR] File “concurrent/futures/thread.py”, line 57, in run
[2024-10-30 13:01:55.837] [ERROR] File “service/handler/deployment_handler.py”, line 344, in _do_install
[2024-10-30 13:01:55.837] [ERROR] File “core.py”, line 2204, in _start_cluster
[2024-10-30 13:01:55.837] [ERROR] File “core.py”, line 198, in call_plugin
[2024-10-30 13:01:55.837] [ERROR] File “_plugin.py”, line 348, in call
[2024-10-30 13:01:55.837] [ERROR] File “_plugin.py”, line 305, in _new_func
[2024-10-30 13:01:55.837] [ERROR] File “/root/.obd/plugins/oceanbase-ce/”, line 636, in connect
[2024-10-30 13:01:55.837] [ERROR] cursor = Cursor(ip=server.ip, port=server_config[‘mysql_port’], tenant=’’, password=password if password is not None else ‘’, stdio=stdio)
[2024-10-30 13:01:55.837] [ERROR] File “_stdio.py”, line 969, in wrapper
[2024-10-30 13:01:55.837] [ERROR] File “_stdio.py”, line 956, in func_wrapper
[2024-10-30 13:01:55.837] [ERROR] File “/root/.obd/plugins/oceanbase-ce/”, line 528, in init
[2024-10-30 13:01:55.837] [ERROR] self._connect()
[2024-10-30 13:01:55.837] [ERROR] File “/root/.obd/plugins/oceanbase-ce/”, line 558, in _connect
[2024-10-30 13:01:55.837] [ERROR] self.db = mysql.connect(host=self.ip, user=self.user, port=int(self.port), password=str(self.password),
[2024-10-30 13:01:55.837] [ERROR] File “pymysql/connections.py”, line 353, in init
[2024-10-30 13:01:55.837] [ERROR] File “pymysql/connections.py”, line 664, in connect
[2024-10-30 13:01:55.837] [ERROR] pymysql.err.OperationalError: (2003, “Can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘’ ([Errno 111] Connection refused)”)
[2024-10-30 13:01:55.837] [ERROR]
[2024-10-30 13:01:58.840] [ERROR] OBD-1006: Failed to connect to oceanbase-ce
[2024-10-30 13:01:58.841] [DEBUG] - sub connect ref count to 0
[2024-10-30 13:01:58.841] [DEBUG] - export connect
[2024-10-30 13:01:58.841] [DEBUG] - plugin oceanbase-ce-py_script_connect- result: False


【SOP系列 22 】——故障诊断第一步(自助诊断和诊断信息收集)

【备注】基于 LLM 和开源文档 RAG 的论坛小助手已开放测试,在发帖时输入 [@论坛小助手] 即可召唤小助手,欢迎试用!

根据您提供的信息,部署过程卡在了“Connect to observer”这一步。这可能是由于以下几个原因导致的:

  1. 网络问题:确保您的机器能够正常访问其他节点,并且防火墙没有阻止必要的端口通信。OceanBase 默认使用的端口包括 2881(SQL 端口)、2882(RPC 端口)等。 [1]

  2. 配置问题:检查您的配置文件是否正确,特别是与网络相关的配置项,如 server_ipcluster_name 等。 [1]

  3. 系统资源限制:从您的日志中可以看到一些警告信息,这些警告提示了一些系统参数的推荐值与当前值不匹配。虽然这些警告不一定直接导致连接问题,但它们可能会影响系统的稳定性和性能。建议您按照警告信息调整相应的系统参数,例如 fs.aio-max-nrulimit -nulimit -uulimit -culimit -svm.max_map_countfs.file-max[1]

  4. observer 启动问题:虽然日志显示 Start observer okobserver program health check ok,但仍然有可能存在某些内部组件或服务初始化失败的情况。您可以查看 observer.log 文件以获取更多详细的错误信息。 [2], [2]


  1. 检查网络连接

    • 确保所有节点之间的网络连接正常。
    • 使用 ping 命令测试节点之间的连通性。
    • 确认防火墙没有阻止必要的端口。
  2. 检查配置文件

    • 确认 observer.config.ini 或其他配置文件中的 server_ipcluster_name 等配置项是否正确。
    • 确认 obproxy 的配置文件中指向的 observer 地址和端口是否正确。
  3. 调整系统参数

    • 编辑 /etc/security/limits.conf 文件,添加或修改以下内容:
      * soft nofile 655350
      * hard nofile 655350
      * soft nproc 655350
      * hard nproc 655350
      * soft core unlimited
      * hard core unlimited
      * soft stack unlimited
      * hard stack unlimited
    • 编辑 /etc/sysctl.conf 文件,添加或修改以下内容:
      fs.aio-max-nr = 1048576
      vm.max_map_count = 655360
      fs.file-max = 6573688
    • 应用更改:
      sysctl -p
  4. 查看日志文件

    • 查看 observer.log 文件,位于 /home/admin/oceanbase/log/ 目录下,查找是否有任何错误或警告信息。
    • 使用 tail -f /home/admin/oceanbase/log/observer.log 实时查看日志。

如果以上步骤仍然无法解决问题,建议您使用 obdiag 工具收集诊断信息,并联系 OceanBase 的技术支持人员以获取进一步的帮助。 [3]


  1. 集群配置项
  2. 4000 ~ 4499
  3. Linkis 集成 OceanBase 数据库
  4. 使用命令行部署单机集中式 OceanBase 数据库
  5. 使用命令行部署单副本 OceanBase 集群
  6. 使用命令行部署两副本加仲裁服务的 OceanBase 集群
  7. 使用命令行部署三副本 OceanBase 集群
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