obd obdiag gather scene list
The tool oceanbase-diagnostic-tool is already installed the latest version 2.0.0
[Other Problem Gather Scenes]:
command info_en info_cn
obdiag gather scene run --scene=other.application_error [application error] [应用报错问题]
[Obproxy Problem Gather Scenes]:
command info_en info_cn
obdiag gather scene run --scene=obproxy.restart [obproxy restart] [obproxy无故重启]
[Observer Problem Gather Scenes]:
command info_en info_cn
obdiag gather scene run --scene=observer.backup [backup problem] [数 据备份问题]
obdiag gather scene run --scene=observer.backup_clean [backup clean] [备 份清理问题]
obdiag gather scene run --scene=observer.clog_disk_full [clog disk full] [clog盘满]
obdiag gather scene run --scene=observer.cluster_down [cluster down] [集 群无法连接]
obdiag gather scene run --scene=observer.compaction [compaction] [合 并问题]
obdiag gather scene run --scene=observer.cpu_high [High CPU] [CPU高]
obdiag gather scene run --scene=observer.delay_of_primary_and_backup [delay of primary and backup] [主 备库延迟]
obdiag gather scene run --scene=observer.io [io problem] [io 问题]
obdiag gather scene run --scene=observer.log_archive [log archive] [日 志归档问题]
obdiag gather scene run --scene=observer.long_transaction [long transaction] [长 事务]
obdiag gather scene run --scene=observer.memory [memory problem] [内 存问题]
obdiag gather scene run --scene=observer.perf_sql --env “{db_connect=’-h127.0.0.1 -P2881 -utest@test -p****** -Dtest’, trace_id=‘Yxx’}” [SQL performance problem] [SQL性能问题]
obdiag gather scene run --scene=observer.px_collect_log --env “{trace_id=‘Yxx’, estimated_time=‘2024-08-20 19:07:04’}” [Collect error source node logs for SQL PX] [SQL PX 收集报错源节点日志]
obdiag gather scene run --scene=observer.recovery [recovery] [数 据恢复问题]
obdiag gather scene run --scene=observer.restart [restart] [observer无故重启]
obdiag gather scene run --scene=observer.rootservice_switch [rootservice switch] [有 主改选或者无主选举的切主]
obdiag gather scene run --scene=observer.sql_err --env “{db_connect=’-h127.0.0.1 -P2881 -utest@test -p****** -Dtest’, trace_id=‘Yxx’}” [SQL execution error] [SQL 执行出错]
obdiag gather scene run --scene=observer.suspend_transaction [suspend transaction] [悬 挂事务]
obdiag gather scene run --scene=observer.unit_data_imbalance [unit data imbalance] [unit迁移/缩小 副本不均衡问题]
obdiag gather scene run --scene=observer.unknown [unknown problem] [未 能明确问题的场景]