启动ocp express报错ocp-express-py_script_start-4.2.2 RuntimeError: string indices must be integers

cmd: [‘ocpexpress’]
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.063] [DEBUG] - opts: {‘servers’: None, ‘components’: None, ‘force_delete’: None, ‘strict_check’: None, ‘without_parameter’: None}
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.063] [DEBUG] - mkdir /home/oceanbase/.obd/lock/
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.063] [DEBUG] - unknown lock mode
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.063] [DEBUG] - try to get share lock /home/oceanbase/.obd/lock/global
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.063] [DEBUG] - share lock /home/oceanbase/.obd/lock/global, count 1
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.063] [DEBUG] - Get Deploy by name
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.063] [DEBUG] - mkdir /home/oceanbase/.obd/cluster/
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.064] [DEBUG] - mkdir /home/oceanbase/.obd/config_parser/
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.064] [DEBUG] - try to get exclusive lock /home/oceanbase/.obd/lock/deploy_ocpexpress
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.064] [DEBUG] - exclusive lock /home/oceanbase/.obd/lock/deploy_ocpexpress, count 1
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.069] [DEBUG] - Deploy status judge
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.069] [INFO] Get local repositories
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.070] [DEBUG] - mkdir /home/oceanbase/.obd/repository
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.070] [DEBUG] - Get local repository obagent-4.2.2-19739a07a12eab736aff86ecf357b1ae660b554e
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.071] [DEBUG] - Search repository obagent version: 4.2.2, tag: 19739a07a12eab736aff86ecf357b1ae660b554e, release: None, package_hash: None
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.071] [DEBUG] - try to get share lock /home/oceanbase/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.071] [DEBUG] - share lock /home/oceanbase/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo, count 1
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.071] [DEBUG] - mkdir /home/oceanbase/.obd/repository/obagent
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.073] [DEBUG] - Found repository obagent-4.2.2-100000042024011120.el7-19739a07a12eab736aff86ecf357b1ae660b554e
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.073] [DEBUG] - Get local repository ocp-express-4.2.2-09ffcf156d1df9318a78af52656f499d2315e3f7
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.073] [DEBUG] - Search repository ocp-express version: 4.2.2, tag: 09ffcf156d1df9318a78af52656f499d2315e3f7, release: None, package_hash: None
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.073] [DEBUG] - share lock /home/oceanbase/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo, count 2
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.073] [DEBUG] - mkdir /home/oceanbase/.obd/repository/ocp-express
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.075] [DEBUG] - Found repository ocp-express-4.2.2-100000022024011120.el7-09ffcf156d1df9318a78af52656f499d2315e3f7
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.201] [DEBUG] - Get deploy config
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.223] [INFO] Search plugins
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.223] [DEBUG] - Searching start_check plugin for components …
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.224] [DEBUG] - Searching start_check plugin for obagent-4.2.2-100000042024011120.el7-19739a07a12eab736aff86ecf357b1ae660b554e
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.224] [DEBUG] - mkdir /home/oceanbase/.obd/plugins
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.225] [DEBUG] - Found for obagent-py_script_start_check-4.2.2 for obagent-4.2.2
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.225] [DEBUG] - Searching start_check plugin for ocp-express-4.2.2-100000022024011120.el7-09ffcf156d1df9318a78af52656f499d2315e3f7
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.225] [DEBUG] - Found for ocp-express-py_script_start_check-4.2.2 for ocp-express-4.2.2
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.225] [DEBUG] - Searching create_tenant plugin for components …
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.225] [DEBUG] - Searching create_tenant plugin for obagent-4.2.2-100000042024011120.el7-19739a07a12eab736aff86ecf357b1ae660b554e
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.225] [DEBUG] - No such create_tenant plugin for obagent-4.2.2
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.226] [DEBUG] - Searching create_tenant plugin for ocp-express-4.2.2-100000022024011120.el7-09ffcf156d1df9318a78af52656f499d2315e3f7
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.226] [DEBUG] - No such create_tenant plugin for ocp-express-4.2.2
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.226] [DEBUG] - Searching tenant_optimize plugin for components …
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.226] [DEBUG] - Searching tenant_optimize plugin for obagent-4.2.2-100000042024011120.el7-19739a07a12eab736aff86ecf357b1ae660b554e
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.226] [DEBUG] - No such tenant_optimize plugin for obagent-4.2.2
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.226] [DEBUG] - Searching tenant_optimize plugin for ocp-express-4.2.2-100000022024011120.el7-09ffcf156d1df9318a78af52656f499d2315e3f7
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.226] [DEBUG] - No such tenant_optimize plugin for ocp-express-4.2.2
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.226] [DEBUG] - Searching start plugin for components …
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.226] [DEBUG] - Searching start plugin for obagent-4.2.2-100000042024011120.el7-19739a07a12eab736aff86ecf357b1ae660b554e
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.227] [DEBUG] - Found for obagent-py_script_start-4.2.2 for obagent-4.2.2
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.227] [DEBUG] - Searching start plugin for ocp-express-4.2.2-100000022024011120.el7-09ffcf156d1df9318a78af52656f499d2315e3f7
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.227] [DEBUG] - Found for ocp-express-py_script_start-4.2.2 for ocp-express-4.2.2
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.227] [DEBUG] - Searching connect plugin for components …
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.227] [DEBUG] - Searching connect plugin for obagent-4.2.2-100000042024011120.el7-19739a07a12eab736aff86ecf357b1ae660b554e
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.228] [DEBUG] - Found for obagent-py_script_connect-1.3.0 for obagent-4.2.2
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.228] [DEBUG] - Searching connect plugin for ocp-express-4.2.2-100000022024011120.el7-09ffcf156d1df9318a78af52656f499d2315e3f7
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.228] [DEBUG] - Found for ocp-express-py_script_connect-1.0.1 for ocp-express-4.2.2
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.228] [DEBUG] - Searching bootstrap plugin for components …
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.228] [DEBUG] - Searching bootstrap plugin for obagent-4.2.2-100000042024011120.el7-19739a07a12eab736aff86ecf357b1ae660b554e
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.228] [DEBUG] - Found for obagent-py_script_bootstrap-0.1 for obagent-4.2.2
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.228] [DEBUG] - Searching bootstrap plugin for ocp-express-4.2.2-100000022024011120.el7-09ffcf156d1df9318a78af52656f499d2315e3f7
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.229] [DEBUG] - Found for ocp-express-py_script_bootstrap-1.0.1 for ocp-express-4.2.2
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.229] [DEBUG] - Searching display plugin for components …
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.229] [DEBUG] - Searching display plugin for obagent-4.2.2-100000042024011120.el7-19739a07a12eab736aff86ecf357b1ae660b554e
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.229] [DEBUG] - Found for obagent-py_script_display-1.3.0 for obagent-4.2.2
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.229] [DEBUG] - Searching display plugin for ocp-express-4.2.2-100000022024011120.el7-09ffcf156d1df9318a78af52656f499d2315e3f7
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.229] [DEBUG] - Found for ocp-express-py_script_display-1.0.1 for ocp-express-4.2.2
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.355] [INFO] Load cluster param plugin
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.356] [DEBUG] - Get local repository obagent-4.2.2-19739a07a12eab736aff86ecf357b1ae660b554e
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.356] [DEBUG] - Get local repository ocp-express-4.2.2-09ffcf156d1df9318a78af52656f499d2315e3f7
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.356] [DEBUG] - Searching param plugin for components …
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.356] [DEBUG] - Search param plugin for obagent
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.356] [DEBUG] - Found for obagent-param-4.2.2 for obagent-4.2.2
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.356] [DEBUG] - Applying obagent-param-4.2.2 for obagent-4.2.2-100000042024011120.el7-19739a07a12eab736aff86ecf357b1ae660b554e
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.418] [DEBUG] - Search param plugin for ocp-express
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.418] [DEBUG] - Found for ocp-express-param-4.1.0 for ocp-express-4.2.2
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.419] [DEBUG] - Applying ocp-express-param-4.1.0 for ocp-express-4.2.2-100000022024011120.el7-09ffcf156d1df9318a78af52656f499d2315e3f7
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.634] [INFO] Open ssh connection
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.638] [DEBUG] - host:, port: 22, user: oceanbase, password: Qaz123456
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.745] [DEBUG] - host:, port: 22, user: oceanbase, password: Qaz123456
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.899] [DEBUG] - Call obagent-py_script_start_check-4.2.2 for obagent-4.2.2-100000042024011120.el7-19739a07a12eab736aff86ecf357b1ae660b554e
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.899] [DEBUG] - import start_check
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.902] [DEBUG] - add start_check ref count to 1
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.902] [INFO] Check before start obagent
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.904] [DEBUG] – oceanbase@ execute: cat /home/oceanbase/obagent/run/ob_agentd.pid
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.937] [DEBUG] – exited code 0
[2025-01-02 16:25:16.937] [DEBUG] – oceanbase@ execute: ls /proc/13081
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.013] [DEBUG] – exited code 0
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.014] [DEBUG] – is runnning, skip
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.035] [DEBUG] - sub start_check ref count to 0
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.035] [DEBUG] - export start_check
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.035] [DEBUG] - plugin obagent-py_script_start_check-4.2.2 result: True
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.035] [DEBUG] - Call ocp-express-py_script_start_check-4.2.2 for ocp-express-4.2.2-100000022024011120.el7-09ffcf156d1df9318a78af52656f499d2315e3f7
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.035] [DEBUG] - import start_check
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.040] [DEBUG] - add start_check ref count to 1
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.040] [INFO] Check before start ocp-express
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.042] [DEBUG] – oceanbase@ execute: cat /home/oceanbase/ocp-server/run/ocp-express.pid
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.074] [DEBUG] – exited code 1, error output:
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.074] [DEBUG] cat: /home/oceanbase/ocp-server/run/ocp-express.pid: No such file or directory
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.074] [DEBUG]
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.075] [DEBUG] – oceanbase@ execute: bash -c ‘cat /proc/net/{udp*,tcp*}’ | awk -F’ ’ ‘{if($4==“0A”) print $2,$4,$10}’ | grep ‘:1FF4’ | awk -F’ ’ ‘{print $3}’ | uniq
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.156] [DEBUG] – exited code 0
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.156] [DEBUG] – oceanbase@ append ‘/home/oceanbase/ocp-server/jre/bin:’ to PATH
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.156] [DEBUG] – oceanbase@ execute: java -version
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.292] [DEBUG] – exited code 0
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.293] [DEBUG] – oceanbase@ execute: cat /proc/meminfo
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.370] [DEBUG] – exited code 0
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.370] [DEBUG] – oceanbase@ execute: df --block-size=1024
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.447] [DEBUG] – exited code 0
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.448] [DEBUG] – get disk info for path /dev, total: 118190997504 avail: 118190989312
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.448] [DEBUG] – get disk info for path /dev/shm, total: 118202859520 avail: 118202777600
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.448] [DEBUG] – get disk info for path /run, total: 118202859520 avail: 118125154304
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.448] [DEBUG] – get disk info for path /sys/fs/cgroup, total: 118202859520 avail: 118202859520
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.448] [DEBUG] – get disk info for path /, total: 15786295296 avail: 14110195712
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.448] [DEBUG] – get disk info for path /usr, total: 21003628544 avail: 15290503168
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.448] [DEBUG] – get disk info for path /oradata, total: 1099501142016 avail: 1078494789632
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.448] [DEBUG] – get disk info for path /arch, total: 107363696640 avail: 107328143360
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.448] [DEBUG] – get disk info for path /u01, total: 107363696640 avail: 96752779264
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.448] [DEBUG] – get disk info for path /var, total: 21003628544 avail: 19578609664
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.449] [DEBUG] – get disk info for path /home, total: 5208932352 avail: 941195264
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.449] [DEBUG] – get disk info for path /opt, total: 21003628544 avail: 19879931904
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.449] [DEBUG] – get disk info for path /tmp, total: 12615598080 avail: 11842519040
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.449] [DEBUG] – get disk info for path /run/user/484, total: 23640571904 avail: 23640555520
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.449] [DEBUG] – get disk info for path /run/user/54323, total: 23640571904 avail: 23640571904
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.449] [DEBUG] – get disk info for path /run/user/0, total: 23640571904 avail: 23640571904
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.449] [DEBUG] – oceanbase@ execute: df --block-size=1024 /oradata/oceanbase/ocp-server/log
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.525] [DEBUG] – exited code 0
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.525] [DEBUG] – get disk info for path /oradata, total: 1099501142016 avail: 1078494789632
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.563] [DEBUG] - sub start_check ref count to 0
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.564] [DEBUG] - export start_check
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.564] [DEBUG] - plugin ocp-express-py_script_start_check-4.2.2 result: True
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.564] [DEBUG] - Call obagent-py_script_start-4.2.2 for obagent-4.2.2-100000042024011120.el7-19739a07a12eab736aff86ecf357b1ae660b554e
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.564] [DEBUG] - import start
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.986] [DEBUG] - add start ref count to 1
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.994] [INFO] Start obagent
[2025-01-02 16:25:17.994] [DEBUG] – oceanbase@ execute: cat /home/oceanbase/obagent/run/ob_agentd.pid
[2025-01-02 16:25:18.028] [DEBUG] – exited code 0
[2025-01-02 16:25:18.029] [DEBUG] – oceanbase@ execute: ls /proc/13081
[2025-01-02 16:25:18.105] [DEBUG] – exited code 0
[2025-01-02 16:25:18.126] [INFO] obagent program health check
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.127] [DEBUG] – program health check
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.127] [DEBUG] – oceanbase@ execute: cat /home/oceanbase/obagent/run/ob_agentd.pid
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.162] [DEBUG] – exited code 0
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.162] [DEBUG] – oceanbase@ execute: cat /home/oceanbase/obagent/run/ob_mgragent.pid
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.243] [DEBUG] – exited code 0
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.244] [DEBUG] – oceanbase@ execute: bash -c ‘cat /proc/net/{tcp*,udp*}’ | awk -F’ ’ ‘{print $2,$10}’ | grep ‘00000000:1F99’ | awk -F’ ’ ‘{print $2}’ | uniq
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.329] [DEBUG] – exited code 0
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.329] [DEBUG] – 2885976
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.329] [DEBUG]
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.329] [DEBUG] – oceanbase@ execute: ls -l /proc/13088/fd/ |grep -E ‘socket:[(2885976)]’
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.408] [DEBUG] – exited code 0
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.408] [DEBUG] – obagent[pid: 13081] started
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.408] [DEBUG] – start to sync target config
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.430] [DEBUG] - sub start ref count to 0
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.430] [DEBUG] - export start
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.430] [DEBUG] - plugin obagent-py_script_start-4.2.2 result: True
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.430] [DEBUG] - Call obagent-py_script_connect-1.3.0 for obagent-4.2.2-100000042024011120.el7-19739a07a12eab736aff86ecf357b1ae660b554e
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.430] [DEBUG] - import connect
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.432] [DEBUG] - add connect ref count to 1
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.433] [INFO] Connect to Obagent
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.433] [DEBUG] – connect obagent ( by user admin)
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.433] [DEBUG] – send http request method: GET, url:, data: None
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.566] [DEBUG] - sub connect ref count to 0
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.566] [DEBUG] - export connect
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.566] [DEBUG] - plugin obagent-py_script_connect-1.3.0 result: True
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.567] [DEBUG] - Call ocp-express-py_script_start-4.2.2 for ocp-express-4.2.2-100000022024011120.el7-09ffcf156d1df9318a78af52656f499d2315e3f7
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.567] [DEBUG] - import start
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.598] [DEBUG] - add start ref count to 1
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.608] [INFO] Start ocp-express
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.609] [DEBUG] – oceanbase@ execute: cat /home/oceanbase/ocp-server/run/ocp-express.pid
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.644] [DEBUG] – exited code 1, error output:
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.645] [DEBUG] cat: /home/oceanbase/ocp-server/run/ocp-express.pid: No such file or directory
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.645] [DEBUG]
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.645] [DEBUG] – oceanbase@ execute: ls /home/oceanbase/ocp-server/.bootstrapped
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.726] [DEBUG] – exited code 2, error output:
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.726] [DEBUG] ls: cannot access ‘/home/oceanbase/ocp-server/.bootstrapped’: No such file or directory
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.726] [DEBUG]
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.727] [DEBUG] – connect -P2881 -uocpuser@meta_db -p******
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.728] [DEBUG] – execute sql: select * from meta_db.config_properties limit 1. args: None
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.729] [DEBUG] – OBD-5000: select * from meta_db.config_properties limit 1 execute failed
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.729] [DEBUG] – execute sql: select * from meta_db.user limit 1. args: None
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.729] [DEBUG] – OBD-5000: select * from meta_db.user limit 1 execute failed
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.729] [DEBUG] – oceanbase@ append ‘/home/oceanbase/ocp-server/jre/bin:’ to PATH
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.730] [ERROR] ocp-express-py_script_start-4.2.2 RuntimeError: string indices must be integers
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.730] [ERROR] Traceback (most recent call last):
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.730] [ERROR] File “core.py”, line 2104, in start_cluster
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.731] [ERROR] File “core.py”, line 2198, in _start_cluster
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.731] [ERROR] File “core.py”, line 198, in call_plugin
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.731] [ERROR] File “_plugin.py”, line 348, in call
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.731] [ERROR] File “_plugin.py”, line 305, in _new_func
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.731] [ERROR] File “/home/oceanbase/.obd/plugins/ocp-express/4.2.2/start.py”, line 356, in start
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.731] [ERROR] “tenantName”: server_config[“ocp_meta_tenant”][“tenant_name”],
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.731] [ERROR] TypeError: string indices must be integers
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.731] [ERROR]
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.731] [DEBUG] - sub start ref count to 0
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.731] [DEBUG] - export start
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.731] [DEBUG] - plugin ocp-express-py_script_start-4.2.2 result: False
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.731] [ERROR] ocp-express start failed
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.731] [DEBUG] - Call obagent-py_script_display-1.3.0 for obagent-4.2.2-100000042024011120.el7-19739a07a12eab736aff86ecf357b1ae660b554e
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.731] [DEBUG] - import display
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.732] [DEBUG] - add display ref count to 1
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.732] [DEBUG] – send http request method: GET, url:, data: None
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.763] [INFO] ±----------------------------------------------------------------+
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.764] [INFO] | obagent |
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.764] [INFO] ±-------------±-------------------±-------------------±-------+
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.764] [INFO] | ip | mgragent_http_port | monagent_http_port | status |
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.764] [INFO] ±-------------±-------------------±-------------------±-------+
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.764] [INFO] | | 8089 | 8088 | active |
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.764] [INFO] ±-------------±-------------------±-------------------±-------+
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.764] [DEBUG] - sub display ref count to 0
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.764] [DEBUG] - export display
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.764] [DEBUG] - plugin obagent-py_script_display-1.3.0 result: True
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.871] [INFO] [ERROR] ocp-express-py_script_start-4.2.2 RuntimeError: string indices must be integers
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.871] [INFO] [ERROR] ocp-express start failed
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.871] [INFO] ±----------------------------------------------------------------+
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.871] [INFO] | obagent |
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.871] [INFO] ±-------------±-------------------±-------------------±-------+
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.871] [INFO] | ip | mgragent_http_port | monagent_http_port | status |
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.871] [INFO] ±-------------±-------------------±-------------------±-------+
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.871] [INFO] | | 8089 | 8088 | active |
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.871] [INFO] ±-------------±-------------------±-------------------±-------+
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.871] [INFO]
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.871] [INFO] See https://www.oceanbase.com/product/ob-deployer/error-codes .
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.871] [INFO] Trace ID: 182ecae2-c8e3-11ef-b15a-005056946f36
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.871] [INFO] If you want to view detailed obd logs, please run: obd display-trace 182ecae2-c8e3-11ef-b15a-005056946f36
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.872] [DEBUG] - unlock /home/oceanbase/.obd/lock/global
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.872] [DEBUG] - unlock /home/oceanbase/.obd/lock/deploy_ocpexpress
[2025-01-02 16:25:19.872] [DEBUG] - unlock /home/oceanbase/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo


#Only need to configure when remote login is required
username: oceanbase
password: Qaz123456
#key_file: /home/admin/.ssh/id_rsa
#port: your ssh port, default 22
#timeout: ssh connection timeout (second), default 30
#Please don’t use hostname, only IP can be supported
#The working directory for obagent. obagent is started under this directory. This is a required field.
home_path: /home/oceanbase/obagent
#The port of monitor agent. The default port number is 8088.
monagent_http_port: 8088
#The port of manager agent. The default port number is 8089.
mgragent_http_port: 8089
#Log path. The default value is log/monagent.log.
log_path: log/monagent.log
#The log level of manager agent.
mgragent_log_level: info
#The total size of manager agent.Log size is measured in Megabytes. The default value is 30M.
mgragent_log_max_size: 30
#Expiration time for manager agent logs. The default value is 30 days.
mgragent_log_max_days: 30
#The maximum number for manager agent log files. The default value is 15.
mgragent_log_max_backups: 15
#The log level of monitor agent.
monagent_log_level: info
#The total size of monitor agent.Log size is measured in Megabytes. The default value is 200M.
monagent_log_max_size: 200
#Expiration time for monitor agent logs. The default value is 30 days.
monagent_log_max_days: 30
#The maximum number for monitor agent log files. The default value is 15.
monagent_log_max_backups: 15
#Username for HTTP authentication. The default value is admin.
http_basic_auth_user: admin
#Password for HTTP authentication. The default value is a random password.

http_basic_auth_password: ******

#Monitor password for OceanBase Database. The default value is empty. When a depends exists, obd gets this value from the oceanbase-ce of the depends. The value is the same as the ocp_agent_monitor_password in oceanbase-ce.
monitor_password: Qaz123456
#The SQL port for observer. The default value is 2881. When a depends exists, obd gets this value from the oceanbase-ce of the depends. The value is the same as the mysql_port in oceanbase-ce.
sql_port: 2881
#The RPC port for observer. The default value is 2882. When a depends exists, obd gets this value from the oceanbase-ce of the depends. The value is the same as the rpc_port in oceanbase-ce.
rpc_port: 2882
#Cluster name for OceanBase Database. When a depends exists, obd gets this value from the oceanbase-ce of the depends. The value is the same as the appname in oceanbase-ce.
cluster_name: obtetst
#Cluster ID for OceanBase Database. When a depends exists, obd gets this value from the oceanbase-ce of the depends. The value is the same as the cluster_id in oceanbase-ce.
cluster_id: 1
#The redo dir for Oceanbase Database. When a depends exists, obd gets this value from the oceanbase-ce of the depends. The value is the same as the redo_dir in oceanbase-ce.
ob_log_path: /oradata/oceanbase/observer/store
#The data dir for Oceanbase Database. When a depends exists, obd gets this value from the oceanbase-ce of the depends. The value is the same as the data_dir in oceanbase-ce.
ob_data_path: /oradata/oceanbase/observer/store
#The work directory for Oceanbase Database. When a depends exists, obd gets this value from the oceanbase-ce of the depends. The value is the same as the home_path in oceanbase-ce.
ob_install_path: /home/oceanbase/observer
#The log path for Oceanbase Database. When a depends exists, obd gets this value from the oceanbase-ce of the depends. The value is the same as the {home_path}/log in oceanbase-ce.
observer_log_path: /home/oceanbase/observer/log
#Monitor status for OceanBase Database. Active is to enable. Inactive is to disable. The default value is active. When you deploy an cluster automatically, obd decides whether to enable this parameter based on depends.
ob_monitor_status: active
#Zone name for your observer. The default value is zone1. When a depends exists, obd gets this value from the oceanbase-ce of the depends. The value is the same as the zone name in oceanbase-ce.
zone_name: zone1

#Zone name for your observer. The default value is zone1. When a depends exists, obd gets this value from the oceanbase-ce of the depends. The value is the same as the zone name in oceanbase-ce.

zone_name: zone2

#Zone name for your observer. The default value is zone1. When a depends exists, obd gets this value from the oceanbase-ce of the depends. The value is the same as the zone name in oceanbase-ce.

zone_name: zone3

- obagent
- name: server1
# The working directory for ocp-express. ocp-express is started under this directory. This is a required field.
home_path: /home/oceanbase/ocp-server
log_dir: /oradata/oceanbase/ocp-server/log # The log directory of ocp express server. The default value is {home_path}/log.
memory_size: 1G # The memory size of ocp-express server. The recommend value is 512MB * (expect node num + expect tenant num) * 60MB.
jdbc_url: jdbc:oceanbase:// # jdbc connection string to connect to the meta db
jdbc_username: ocpuser@meta_db # username to connect to meta db
jdbc_password: ‘Qaz123456’ # password to connect to meta db
port: 8180 # The http port to use.
cluster_name: obcluster # the cluster name of oceanbase cluster. Refer to the configuration item appname of oceanbase
ob_cluster_id: 1 # the cluster id of oceanbase cluster. Refer to the configuration item cluster_id of oceanbase
root_sys_password: QWED
logging_file_total_size_cap: 10GB # The total log file size of ocp-express server
ocp_meta_tenant: meta_db
server_addresses: # The cluster info for oceanbase cluster
- address: # The address of oceanbase server
svrPort: 2882 # The rpc port of oceanbase server
sqlPort: 2881 # The mysql port of oceanbase server

version: 4.2.2
package_hash: 09ffcf156d1df9318a78af52656f499d2315e3f7
release: 100000022024011120.el7

    port: 8180
    admin_passwd: aaAA11__
    home_path: /home/admin/myoceanbase/ocpexpress
    memory_size: 752M
  • obagent
  • oceanbase-ce
  • obproxy-ce