1 终端执行(去除 OBD-1011: ( The recommended value of fs.aio-max-nr is 1048576 的警告)
jks@jks2:~$ sudo sysctl fs.aio-max-nr=1048576
2 在终端当前用户下执行(按照快速上手1.5的步骤)
jks@jks2:cd oceanbase-all-in-one/bin/
jks@jks2:source ~/.oceanbase-all-in-one/bin/env.sh
jks@jks2:obd demo
demo deployed
Get local repositories ok
Search plugins ok
Load cluster param plugin ok
Open ssh connection ok
Check before start observer ok
[WARN] ( failed to get open files
[WARN] ( failed to get max user processes
[WARN] ( failed to get core file size
[WARN] ( failed to get stack size
[WARN] OBD-1012: ( clog and data use the same disk (/)
Check before start obagent ok
Check before start obproxy ok
Check before start prometheus ok
Check before start grafana ok
Start observer ok
observer program health check ok
Connect to observer ok
Initialize oceanbase-ce
1 在终端当前用户下执行(按照快速上手1.6的步骤)
jks@jks2:cd oceanbase-all-in-one/bin/
jks@jks2:source ~/.oceanbase-all-in-one/bin/env.sh
2 重启电脑后终端执行
jks@jks2:~$ sudo sysctl fs.aio-max-nr=1048576
jks@jks2:obd web
3 在浏览器中http://
Initialize oceanbase-ce 不动了
1 在终端当前用户下执行
jks@jks2:cd oceanbase-all-in-one/bin/
jks@jks2:source ~/.oceanbase-all-in-one/bin/env.sh
2 重启电脑后终端执行
jks@jks2:~$ sudo sysctl fs.aio-max-nr=1048576
jks@jks2:obd mirror list local
3 复制mini-local-example.yaml到jks下并改名为obytt100.yaml,修改
jks@jks2:obd cluster deploy obytt100 -c obytt100.yaml
(在jks目录下自动创建了observer目录,出现“obytt100 deployed”看着正常)
jks@jks2:obd cluster start obytt100
[WARN] ( failed to get open files
[WARN] ( failed to get max user processes
[WARN] ( failed to get core file size
[WARN] ( failed to get stack size
[WARN] OBD-1012: ( clog and data use the same disk (/)
Connect to observer ok
Initialize oceanbase-ce
jks@jks2:~$ sudo sysctl fs.aio-max-nr=1048576
jks@jks2:obd cluster start obytt100
Open ssh connection ok
Check before start observer ok
[WARN] ( failed to get open files
[WARN] ( failed to get max user processes
[WARN] ( failed to get core file size
[WARN] ( failed to get stack size
Start observer ok
[ERROR] obshell failed
[ERROR] oceanbase-ce start failed
# Please don’t use hostname, only IP can be supported
# The working directory for OceanBase Database. OceanBase Database is started under this directory. This is a required field.
home_path: /home/jks/observer
# The directory for data storage. The default value is $home_path/store.
# data_dir: /data
# The directory for clog, ilog, and slog. The default value is the same as the data_dir value.
# redo_dir: /redo
# Starting from observer version 4.2, the network selection for the observer is based on the ‘local_ip’ parameter, and the ‘devname’ parameter is no longer mandatory.
# If the ‘local_ip’ parameter is set, the observer will first use this parameter for the configuration, regardless of the ‘devname’ parameter.
# If only the ‘devname’ parameter is set, the observer will use the ‘devname’ parameter for the configuration.
# If neither the ‘devname’ nor the ‘local_ip’ parameters are set, the ‘local_ip’ parameter will be automatically assigned the IP address configured above.
# devname: eth0
mysql_port: 2881 # External port for OceanBase Database. The default value is 2881. DO NOT change this value after the cluster is started.
rpc_port: 2882 # Internal port for OceanBase Database. The default value is 2882. DO NOT change this value after the cluster is started.
obshell_port: 2886 # Operation and maintenance port for Oceanbase Database. The default value is 2886. This parameter is valid only when the version of oceanbase-ce is or later.
zone: zone1
cluster_id: 1
cluster: obytt100
# please set memory limit to a suitable value which is matching resource.
memory_limit: 6G # The maximum running memory for an observer
system_memory: 1G # The reserved system memory. system_memory is reserved for general tenants. The default value is 30G.
datafile_size: 2G # Size of the data file.
datafile_next: 2G # the auto extend step. Please enter an capacity, such as 2G
datafile_maxsize: 20G # the auto extend max size. Please enter an capacity, such as 20G
log_disk_size: 14G # The size of disk space used by the clog files.
cpu_count: 16
production_mode: false
enable_syslog_wf: false # Print system logs whose levels are higher than WARNING to a separate log file. The default value is true.
max_syslog_file_count: 4 # The maximum number of reserved log files before enabling auto recycling. The default value is 0.
# root_password: # root user password, can be empty
jks@jks2:~/Desktop$ cd
jks@jks2:~$ sudo sysctl fs.aio-max-nr=1048576
[sudo] jks 的密码:
fs.aio-max-nr = 1048576
jks@jks2:~$ obd cluster start obytt100
Get local repositories ok
Search plugins ok
Load cluster param plugin ok
Open ssh connection ok
Check before start observer ok
[WARN] ( failed to get open files
[WARN] ( failed to get max user processes
[WARN] ( failed to get core file size
[WARN] ( failed to get stack size
Start observer ok
[ERROR] obshell failed
[ERROR] oceanbase-ce start failed
Trace ID: d6e28802-c2d5-11ef-a3f6-41ffea371eaa
If you want to view detailed obd logs, please run: obd display-trace d6e28802-c2d5-11ef-a3f6-41ffea371eaa
jks@jks2:~$ obd display-trace d6e28802-c2d5-11ef-a3f6-41ffea371eaa
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.103] [DEBUG] - cmd: [‘obytt100’]
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.123] [DEBUG] - opts: {‘servers’: None, ‘components’: None, ‘force_delete’: None, ‘strict_check’: None, ‘without_parameter’: None}
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.123] [DEBUG] - mkdir /home/jks/.obd/lock/
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.123] [DEBUG] - unknown lock mode
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.124] [DEBUG] - try to get share lock /home/jks/.obd/lock/global
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.124] [DEBUG] - share lock /home/jks/.obd/lock/global
, count 1
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.124] [DEBUG] - Get Deploy by name
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.124] [DEBUG] - mkdir /home/jks/.obd/cluster/
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.124] [DEBUG] - mkdir /home/jks/.obd/config_parser/
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.124] [DEBUG] - try to get exclusive lock /home/jks/.obd/lock/deploy_obytt100
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.124] [DEBUG] - exclusive lock /home/jks/.obd/lock/deploy_obytt100
, count 1
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.145] [DEBUG] - Deploy status judge
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.169] [INFO] Get local repositories
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.170] [DEBUG] - mkdir /home/jks/.obd/repository
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.170] [DEBUG] - Get local repository oceanbase-ce-
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.170] [DEBUG] - Search repository oceanbase-ce version:, tag: 19e05fb07f899bc2640bbcc4edb3f125b642810a, release: None, package_hash: None
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.170] [DEBUG] - try to get share lock /home/jks/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.170] [DEBUG] - share lock /home/jks/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo
, count 1
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.170] [DEBUG] - mkdir /home/jks/.obd/repository/oceanbase-ce
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.172] [DEBUG] - Found repository oceanbase-ce-
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.300] [DEBUG] - Get deploy config
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.323] [INFO] Search plugins
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.324] [DEBUG] - Searching start_check plugin for components …
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.324] [DEBUG] - Searching start_check plugin for oceanbase-ce-
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.324] [DEBUG] - mkdir /home/jks/.obd/plugins
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.326] [DEBUG] - Found for oceanbase-ce-py_script_start_check- for oceanbase-ce-
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.326] [DEBUG] - Searching create_tenant plugin for components …
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.326] [DEBUG] - Searching create_tenant plugin for oceanbase-ce-
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.327] [DEBUG] - Found for oceanbase-ce-py_script_create_tenant- for oceanbase-ce-
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.327] [DEBUG] - Searching tenant_optimize plugin for components …
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.327] [DEBUG] - Searching tenant_optimize plugin for oceanbase-ce-
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.327] [DEBUG] - No such tenant_optimize plugin for oceanbase-ce-
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.327] [DEBUG] - Searching start plugin for components …
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.327] [DEBUG] - Searching start plugin for oceanbase-ce-
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.328] [DEBUG] - Found for oceanbase-ce-py_script_start- for oceanbase-ce-
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.328] [DEBUG] - Searching connect plugin for components …
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.328] [DEBUG] - Searching connect plugin for oceanbase-ce-
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.328] [DEBUG] - Found for oceanbase-ce-py_script_connect- for oceanbase-ce-
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.328] [DEBUG] - Searching bootstrap plugin for components …
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.328] [DEBUG] - Searching bootstrap plugin for oceanbase-ce-
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.329] [DEBUG] - Found for oceanbase-ce-py_script_bootstrap- for oceanbase-ce-
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.329] [DEBUG] - Searching display plugin for components …
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.329] [DEBUG] - Searching display plugin for oceanbase-ce-
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.329] [DEBUG] - Found for oceanbase-ce-py_script_display-3.1.0 for oceanbase-ce-
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.454] [INFO] Load cluster param plugin
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.455] [DEBUG] - Get local repository oceanbase-ce-
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.455] [DEBUG] - Searching param plugin for components …
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.455] [DEBUG] - Search param plugin for oceanbase-ce
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.456] [DEBUG] - Found for oceanbase-ce-param- for oceanbase-ce-
[2024-12-25 15:35:16.456] [DEBUG] - Applying oceanbase-ce-param- for oceanbase-ce-
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.003] [INFO] Open ssh connection
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.134] [DEBUG] - Call oceanbase-ce-py_script_start_check- for oceanbase-ce-
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.134] [DEBUG] - import start_check
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.141] [DEBUG] - add start_check ref count to 1
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.141] [INFO] Check before start observer
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.143] [DEBUG] – local execute: ls /home/jks/observer/store/clog/tenant_1/
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.172] [DEBUG] – exited code 0
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.172] [DEBUG] – local execute: cat /home/jks/observer/run/observer.pid
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.201] [DEBUG] – exited code 0
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.202] [DEBUG] – local execute: ls /proc/9994
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.205] [DEBUG] – exited code 2, error output:
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.205] [DEBUG] ls: 无法访问 ‘/proc/9994’: 没有那个文件或目录
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.205] [DEBUG]
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.205] [DEBUG] – port check
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.205] [DEBUG] – local execute: bash -c ‘cat /proc/net/{tcp*,udp*}’ | awk -F’ ’ ‘{if($4==“0A”) print $2,$4,$10}’ | grep ‘:0B41’ | awk -F’ ’ ‘{print $3}’ | uniq
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.215] [DEBUG] – exited code 0
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.216] [DEBUG] – local execute: bash -c ‘cat /proc/net/{tcp*,udp*}’ | awk -F’ ’ ‘{if($4==“0A”) print $2,$4,$10}’ | grep ‘:0B42’ | awk -F’ ’ ‘{print $3}’ | uniq
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.226] [DEBUG] – exited code 0
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.226] [DEBUG] – local execute: bash -c ‘cat /proc/net/{tcp*,udp*}’ | awk -F’ ’ ‘{if($4==“0A”) print $2,$4,$10}’ | grep ‘:0B46’ | awk -F’ ’ ‘{print $3}’ | uniq
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.236] [DEBUG] – exited code 0
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.237] [DEBUG] – local execute: ls /home/jks/observer/store/sstable/block_file
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.240] [DEBUG] – exited code 0
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.240] [DEBUG] – local execute: cat /proc/sys/fs/aio-max-nr /proc/sys/fs/aio-nr
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.243] [DEBUG] – exited code 0
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.244] [DEBUG] – local execute: ulimit -a
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.246] [DEBUG] – exited code 0
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.247] [WARNING] ( failed to get open files
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.247] [WARNING] ( failed to get max user processes
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.247] [WARNING] ( failed to get core file size
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.247] [WARNING] ( failed to get stack size
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.247] [DEBUG] – local execute: sysctl -a
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.283] [DEBUG] – exited code 0
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.285] [DEBUG] – local execute: cat /proc/meminfo
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.288] [DEBUG] – exited code 0
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.289] [DEBUG] – local execute: df --block-size=1024
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.293] [DEBUG] – exited code 0
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.293] [DEBUG] – get disk info for path /run, total: 3357466624 avail: 3352657920
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.293] [DEBUG] – get disk info for path /, total: 491104411648 avail: 425031651328
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.293] [DEBUG] – get disk info for path /dev/shm, total: 16787320832 avail: 16787316736
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.293] [DEBUG] – get disk info for path /run/lock, total: 5242880 avail: 5234688
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.294] [DEBUG] – get disk info for path /run/user/1000, total: 3357462528 avail: 3357310976
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.294] [DEBUG] – get disk info for path /media/jks/D6EA2F09EA2EE589, total: 15980261376 avail: 6554951680
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.294] [DEBUG] – disk: {’/run’: {‘total’: 3357466624, ‘avail’: 3352657920, ‘need’: 0}, ‘/’: {‘total’: 491104411648, ‘avail’: 425031651328, ‘need’: 0}, ‘/dev/shm’: {‘total’: 16787320832, ‘avail’: 16787316736, ‘need’: 0}, ‘/run/lock’: {‘total’: 5242880, ‘avail’: 5234688, ‘need’: 0}, ‘/run/user/1000’: {‘total’: 3357462528, ‘avail’: 3357310976, ‘need’: 0}, ‘/media/jks/D6EA2F09EA2EE589’: {‘total’: 15980261376, ‘avail’: 6554951680, ‘need’: 0}}
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.294] [DEBUG] – local execute: date +%s%N
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.297] [DEBUG] – exited code 0
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.297] [DEBUG] – time delta 0.94091796875
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.402] [INFO] [WARN] ( failed to get open files
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.402] [INFO] [WARN] ( failed to get max user processes
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.402] [INFO] [WARN] ( failed to get core file size
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.402] [INFO] [WARN] ( failed to get stack size
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.402] [INFO]
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.403] [DEBUG] - sub start_check ref count to 0
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.403] [DEBUG] - export start_check
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.403] [DEBUG] - plugin oceanbase-ce-py_script_start_check- result: True
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.403] [DEBUG] - Call oceanbase-ce-py_script_start- for oceanbase-ce-
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.403] [DEBUG] - import start
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.424] [DEBUG] - add start ref count to 1
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.425] [INFO] Start observer
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.425] [DEBUG] – local execute: ls /home/jks/observer/store/clog/tenant_1/
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.429] [DEBUG] – exited code 0
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.429] [DEBUG] – local execute: cat /home/jks/observer/run/observer.pid
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.432] [DEBUG] – exited code 0
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.432] [DEBUG] – local execute: ls /proc/9994
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.435] [DEBUG] – exited code 2, error output:
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.436] [DEBUG] ls: 无法访问 ‘/proc/9994’: 没有那个文件或目录
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.436] [DEBUG]
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.436] [DEBUG] – start command construction
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.436] [DEBUG] – starting observer
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.437] [DEBUG] – jks@ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=’/home/jks/observer/lib:’
[2024-12-25 15:35:17.437] [DEBUG] – local execute: cd /home/jks/observer; /home/jks/observer/bin/observer -p 2881 -P 2882 -z ‘zone1’ -n ‘obytt100’ -c 1 -d ‘/home/jks/observer/store’ -I ‘’ -o __min_full_resource_pool_memory=2147483648,cluster=‘obytt100’,memory_limit=‘6G’,system_memory=‘1G’,datafile_size=‘2G’,datafile_next=‘2G’,datafile_maxsize=‘20G’,log_disk_size=‘14G’,cpu_count=16,enable_syslog_wf=False,max_syslog_file_count=4
[2024-12-25 15:35:19.985] [DEBUG] – exited code 0
[2024-12-25 15:35:19.986] [DEBUG] – jks@ delete env LD_LIBRARY_PATH
[2024-12-25 15:35:20.032] [DEBUG] – start_obshell: True
[2024-12-25 15:35:20.032] [DEBUG] – local execute: cat /home/jks/observer/run/obshell.pid
[2024-12-25 15:35:20.035] [DEBUG] – exited code 1, error output:
[2024-12-25 15:35:20.035] [DEBUG] cat: /home/jks/observer/run/obshell.pid: 没有那个文件或目录
[2024-12-25 15:35:20.035] [DEBUG]
[2024-12-25 15:35:20.035] [DEBUG] – jks@ export OB_ROOT_PASSWORD=’******’
[2024-12-25 15:35:20.036] [DEBUG] – start obshell: cd /home/jks/observer; /home/jks/observer/bin/obshell admin start --ip --port 2886
[2024-12-25 15:35:20.036] [DEBUG] – local execute: cd /home/jks/observer; /home/jks/observer/bin/obshell admin start --ip --port 2886
[2024-12-25 15:40:20.138] [DEBUG] – exited code 255, error output:
[2024-12-25 15:40:20.138] [DEBUG] Command ‘cd /home/jks/observer; /home/jks/observer/bin/obshell admin start --ip --port 2886’ timed out after 300 seconds
[2024-12-25 15:40:20.140] [ERROR] Traceback (most recent call last):
[2024-12-25 15:40:20.140] [ERROR] File “core.py”, line 2104, in start_cluster
[2024-12-25 15:40:20.140] [ERROR] File “core.py”, line 2198, in _start_cluster
[2024-12-25 15:40:20.140] [ERROR] File “core.py”, line 198, in call_plugin
[2024-12-25 15:40:20.140] [ERROR] File “_plugin.py”, line 348, in call
[2024-12-25 15:40:20.140] [ERROR] File “_plugin.py”, line 305, in _new_func
[2024-12-25 15:40:20.140] [ERROR] File “/home/jks/.obd/plugins/oceanbase-ce/”, line 286, in start
[2024-12-25 15:40:20.140] [ERROR] if not client.execute_command(cmd):
[2024-12-25 15:40:20.140] [ERROR] File “_plugin.py”, line 225, in new_method
[2024-12-25 15:40:20.140] [ERROR] File “_stdio.py”, line 956, in func_wrapper
[2024-12-25 15:40:20.140] [ERROR] File “ssh.py”, line 499, in execute_command
[2024-12-25 15:40:20.140] [ERROR] File “_stdio.py”, line 956, in func_wrapper
[2024-12-25 15:40:20.140] [ERROR] File “ssh.py”, line 210, in execute_command
[2024-12-25 15:40:20.140] [ERROR] File “subprocess.py”, line 1028, in communicate
[2024-12-25 15:40:20.140] [ERROR] File “subprocess.py”, line 1869, in _communicate
[2024-12-25 15:40:20.140] [ERROR] File “subprocess.py”, line 1072, in _check_timeout
[2024-12-25 15:40:20.140] [ERROR] subprocess.TimeoutExpired: Command ‘cd /home/jks/observer; /home/jks/observer/bin/obshell admin start --ip --port 2886’ timed out after 300 seconds
[2024-12-25 15:40:20.140] [ERROR]
[2024-12-25 15:40:20.140] [ERROR] obshell failed
[2024-12-25 15:40:20.140] [DEBUG] - sub start ref count to 0
[2024-12-25 15:40:20.140] [DEBUG] - export start
[2024-12-25 15:40:20.141] [DEBUG] - plugin oceanbase-ce-py_script_start- result: None
[2024-12-25 15:40:20.141] [ERROR] oceanbase-ce start failed
[2024-12-25 15:40:20.144] [DEBUG] - share lock /home/jks/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo release, count 0
[2024-12-25 15:40:20.144] [DEBUG] - unlock /home/jks/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo
[2024-12-25 15:40:20.144] [DEBUG] - exclusive lock /home/jks/.obd/lock/deploy_obytt100 release, count 0
[2024-12-25 15:40:20.144] [DEBUG] - unlock /home/jks/.obd/lock/deploy_obytt100
[2024-12-25 15:40:20.144] [DEBUG] - share lock /home/jks/.obd/lock/global release, count 0
[2024-12-25 15:40:20.144] [DEBUG] - unlock /home/jks/.obd/lock/global
[2024-12-25 15:40:20.145] [INFO] See
[2024-12-25 15:40:20.145] [INFO] Trace ID: d6e28802-c2d5-11ef-a3f6-41ffea371eaa
[2024-12-25 15:40:20.145] [INFO] If you want to view detailed obd logs, please run: obd display-trace d6e28802-c2d5-11ef-a3f6-41ffea371eaa