【产品公告牌 2024-10-10】OceanBase V4.3.3 GA 版本正式发布

大家期待已久的 OceanBase V4.3.3 版本正式发布了!作为 4.3 系列的第一个 GA 版本,4.3.3 在以下几个关键场景完成了突破:

一是在关系型数据库基础上支持了适用于 AI 类分析处理的向量类型及索引;

二是更好满足 HTAP 混合负载场景下,TP、AP 资源物理强隔离诉求的全新的列存副本形态;

三是面向 AP 类查询任务的整体可观的性能提升。除此之外,新增 Array 复杂类型支持、优化 Roaringbitmap 类型计算性能,强化物化视图改写刷新等能力,扩展外表功能、提高外表导入性能,优化 AP 类 SQL 的计划生成和执行策略,加快面向 OLAP 负载的产品化能力提升。

新版本还支持了一种只需恢复日志无需恢复数据到本地即可提供读写服务的快速恢复能力,也支持了 QUERY 级别的资源组设定,提升了系统的可靠性和易用性。

同时,V4.2.4 及之前版本的大部分特性已经在 V4.3.3 补充支持,后续也会推出同样可应用于 OLTP 业务生产的全新融合版本。

完整 Release Notes 详见:https://www.oceanbase.com/product/oceanbase-database-community-rn/releaseNote#V4.3.3


11 个赞

After the intense efforts of the development team, the long-awaited OceanBase v4.3.3 GA has been officially released today!

OceanBase V4.3.3, as the first GA version of the AP series, has achieved breakthroughs in several key scenarios.

Firstly, it supports vector types and indexes suitable for AI analysis and processing on the relational database foundation.

Secondly, it better meets the demands of HTAP mixed workload scenarios, providing a new columnar replica form for strong physical isolation of TP and AP resources.

Thirdly, it offers a significant overall performance improvement for AP-type query tasks. In addition, it introduces support for complex Array types, optimizes Roaringbitmap type performance, enhances materialized view rewrite and refresh capabilities, extends external table functions, improves external table import performance, optimizes AP-type SQL plan and execution strategies, and accelerates the productization capabilities for OLAP workloads.

The new version also supports a rapid recovery capability that only requires restoring logs without the need to restore data to the local environment to provide read-write services, and supports QUERY-level resource group settings, enhancing the system’s reliability and usability.

Moreover, most of the features from V4.2.4 and earlier versions have been supplemented in V4.3.3.

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7 个赞

:+1: :+1: :+1:

6 个赞

又多了好多新特性,马上就去下载 :kissing_smiling_eyes:

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666 :+1:

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:+1: :+1: :+1:

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请问4.3.3 版本支持适配的 oblogproxy 是哪个版本呢

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4 个赞

oblogproxy 的适配版本目前还没发,预计下周会发出来。

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:muscle: :muscle: :muscle:

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:+1: :+1: :+1:

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