
2024-06-12T15:46:52.26973+08:00 ERROR [57046,] caller=inputs/ocp.go:40:func2: init connectivityInput failed fields:, error=“init DB connections failed: Error 1045: Access denied for user ‘ocp_monitor’@‘xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx’ (using password: NO)”
2024-06-12T15:46:52.26975+08:00 ERROR [57046,] caller=engine/config_manager.go:202:handleConfigEvent: CreatePipelineV2s init source failed fields: error=“init DB connections failed: Error 1045: Access denied for user ‘ocp_monitor’@‘xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx’ (using password: NO)”
2024-06-12T15:46:52.26978+08:00 ERROR [57046,c7188c2943b852f4] caller=engine/config_manager.go:155:handleAddEvent: CreatePipelines failed fields: error=“init DB connections failed: Error 1045: Access denied for user ‘ocp_monitor’@‘xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx’ (using password: NO)”
2024-06-12T15:46:56.35011+08:00 ERROR [57046,] caller=plugins/registry.go:137:GetPlugin: init tableInput failed fields: error=“db ping: Error 1045: Access denied for user ‘ocp_monitor’@‘xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx’ (using password: NO)”
2024-06-12T15:46:56.35017+08:00 ERROR [57046,] caller=engine/config_manager.go:202:handleConfigEvent: CreatePipelineV2s init source failed fields:, error=“db ping: Error 1045: Access denied for user ‘ocp_monitor’@‘xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx’ (using password: NO)”
2024-06-12T15:46:56.3502+08:00 ERROR [57046,c7188c2943b852f4] caller=engine/config_manager.go:155:handleAddEvent: CreatePipelines failed fields: error=“db ping: Error 1045: Access denied for user ‘ocp_monitor’@‘xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx’ (using password: NO)”





admin@ubuntu:~/obagent/conf$ tree  -L 2
├── 2024-06-03T16:30:13.5152+08:00
│   ├── config_properties
│   └── module_config
├── 2024-06-04T16:04:36.7871+08:00
│   ├── config_properties
│   └── module_config
├── agentctl.yaml
├── agentd.yaml
├── config_properties
│   ├── basic_auth.yaml
│   ├── common_meta.yaml
│   ├── log.yaml
│   ├── monagent_pipeline.yaml
│   └── ob_logcleaner.yaml
├── mgragent.yaml
├── module_config
│   ├── common_module.yaml
│   ├── log_module.yaml
│   ├── mgragent_logquerier_module.yaml
│   ├── mgragent_module.yaml
│   ├── monagent_basic_auth.yaml
│   ├── monitor_host_log.yaml
│   ├── monitor_mysql.yaml
│   ├── monitor_node_host.yaml
│   ├── monitor_ob_custom.yaml
│   ├── monitor_ob_log.yaml
│   ├── monitor_observer_log.yaml
│   ├── monitor_ob.yaml
│   └── ob_logcleaner_module.yaml
├── monagent.yaml
├── obd_agent_mapper.yaml
├── prometheus_config
│   ├── prometheus.yaml
│   └── rules
└── shell_templates
    └── shell_template.yaml

11 directories, 25 files
admin@ubuntu:~/obagent/conf$ grep -i -R  ocp_monitor  *.* -C 4
2024-06-03T16:30:13.5152+08:00/config_properties/monagent_pipeline.yaml-configVersion: "2024-06-03T16:30:13.5152+08:00"
2024-06-03T16:30:13.5152+08:00/config_properties/monagent_pipeline.yaml-    - key: monagent.ob.monitor.user
2024-06-03T16:30:13.5152+08:00/config_properties/monagent_pipeline.yaml:      value: ocp_monitor
2024-06-03T16:30:13.5152+08:00/config_properties/monagent_pipeline.yaml-      valueType: string
2024-06-03T16:30:13.5152+08:00/config_properties/monagent_pipeline.yaml-      encrypted: false
2024-06-03T16:30:13.5152+08:00/config_properties/monagent_pipeline.yaml-    - key: monagent.ob.monitor.password
2024-06-03T16:30:13.5152+08:00/config_properties/monagent_pipeline.yaml-      value: obdemoagent
2024-06-04T16:04:36.7871+08:00/config_properties/monagent_pipeline.yaml-configVersion: "2024-06-04T16:04:36.7871+08:00"
2024-06-04T16:04:36.7871+08:00/config_properties/monagent_pipeline.yaml-    - key: monagent.ob.monitor.user
2024-06-04T16:04:36.7871+08:00/config_properties/monagent_pipeline.yaml:      value: ocp_monitor
2024-06-04T16:04:36.7871+08:00/config_properties/monagent_pipeline.yaml-      valueType: string
2024-06-04T16:04:36.7871+08:00/config_properties/monagent_pipeline.yaml-      encrypted: false
2024-06-04T16:04:36.7871+08:00/config_properties/monagent_pipeline.yaml-    - key: monagent.ob.monitor.password
2024-06-04T16:04:36.7871+08:00/config_properties/monagent_pipeline.yaml-      value: "


用obd修改配置,在obagent 部分加如下内容:

  style: default
    home_path: /home/admin/obagent

    http_basic_auth_password: jt8WPp8I0
    **monitor_user: ocp_monitor**
    **monitor_password: ocp_monitor**

obd cluster edit-config obdemo.yaml 配置文件,新加了上面

    monitor_user: ocp_monitor
    monitor_password: ocp_monitor


admin@ubuntu:~$ obd cluster start  obdemo  -c obagent
[ERROR] Deploy need restart.
Use `obd cluster restart obdemo --wp` to make changes take effect.
If you still need to start the cluster, use the `obd cluster start obdemo --wop` option to start the cluster without loading parameters. 
See https://www.oceanbase.com/product/ob-deployer/error-codes .
Trace ID: 1892fd9a-28a3-11ef-865d-c62cc4bad044
If you want to view detailed obd logs, please run: obd display-trace 1892fd9a-28a3-11ef-865d-c62cc4bad044
admin@ubuntu:~$ obd cluster restart obdemo --wp
Get local repositories and plugins ok
Load cluster param plugin ok
Open ssh connection ok
Cluster status check ok
Search plugins ok
Load cluster param plugin ok
Cluster status check ok
Check before start observer ok
Check before start obagent ok
Check before start ob-configserver ok
Check before start obproxy ok
Check before start ocp-express ok
Start observer ok
observer program health check ok
obshell program health check ok
Connect to observer ok
Start obagent ok
obagent program health check ok
Connect to Obagent ok
Start ob-configserver ok
ob-configserver program health check ok
Connect to ob-configserver ok
Start obproxy ok
obproxy program health check ok
Connect to obproxy x
[ERROR] OBD-1006: Failed to connect to obproxy-ce
Wait for observer init ok
[ERROR] OBD-1005: Some of the servers in the cluster have been stopped
See https://www.oceanbase.com/product/ob-deployer/error-codes .
Trace ID: 1f8a7272-28a3-11ef-a7af-c62cc4bad044
If you want to view detailed obd logs, please run: obd display-trace 1f8a7272-28a3-11ef-a7af-c62cc4bad044


[2024-06-12 18:05:05.961] [DEBUG] --- connect 10.xx.xx.126 -P2883 -uroot@proxysys -pobdemoobproxy
[2024-06-12 18:05:08.965] [DEBUG] --- connect 10.xx.xx.126 -P2883 -uroot@proxysys -p
[2024-06-12 18:05:12.037] [ERROR] OBD-1006: Failed to connect to obproxy-ce
[2024-06-12 18:05:12.037] [DEBUG] -- sub connect ref count to 0
[2024-06-12 18:05:12.037] [DEBUG] -- export connect

1)连接实例修改 ;2)也修改了部署配置;)

通过edit-config修改后,下方会出现一个obd cluster reload 命令。或者obd cluster redeploy 重装命令

Use obd cluster restart obdemo --wp to make changes take effect.

@王利博 大佬帮看看这个,如果通过obd修改参数(实际上一些账号密码已经通过alter修改了,只是想修改部署配置的)让其保持一致

这里看下租户管理呢。 是否有ocp 和sys租户。

