
[admin@localhost oceanbase-all-in-one]$ obd demo
Get local repositories ok
Search plugins ok
Open ssh connection ok
Cluster status check ok
obproxy work dir cleaning ok
prometheus work dir cleaning ok
obagent work dir cleaning ok
grafana work dir cleaning ok
observer work dir cleaning ok
demo destroyed
Cluster param config check ok
Open ssh connection ok
Generate grafana configuration ok
Generate obproxy configuration ok
Generate observer configuration ok
Generate obagent configuration ok
Generate prometheus configuration ok
| Packages |
| Repository | Version | Release | Md5 |
| grafana | 7.5.17 | 1 | 5129b0134e31d273c970a7e3c7370990016bee16 |
| obproxy-ce | | 7.el7 | 71e70d54b36cb8e04afb306d59d1fc9c9aee706b |
| oceanbase-ce | | 100000202023040520.el7 | 3946be4fc72abe41f5f6ea9f20c3f89fff3ee425 |
| obagent | 1.3.0 | 22.el7 | cfcfe2aa9325e723c98c200f58470d4b043865c4 |
| prometheus | 2.37.1 | 10000102022110211.el7 | 2d856b4a90e7a35322bc3412231f714fde3fd794 |
Repository integrity check ok
Parameter check ok
Open ssh connection ok
Cluster status check ok
Initializes grafana work home ok
Initializes obproxy work home ok
Initializes observer work home ok
Initializes obagent work home ok
Initializes prometheus work home ok
Remote grafana-7.5.17-1-5129b0134e31d273c970a7e3c7370990016bee16 repository install ok
Remote grafana-7.5.17-1-5129b0134e31d273c970a7e3c7370990016bee16 repository lib check ok
Remote obproxy-ce- repository install ok
Remote obproxy-ce- repository lib check ok
Remote oceanbase-ce- repository install ok
Remote oceanbase-ce- repository lib check ok
Remote obagent-1.3.0-22.el7-cfcfe2aa9325e723c98c200f58470d4b043865c4 repository install ok
Remote obagent-1.3.0-22.el7-cfcfe2aa9325e723c98c200f58470d4b043865c4 repository lib check ok
Remote prometheus-2.37.1-10000102022110211.el7-2d856b4a90e7a35322bc3412231f714fde3fd794 repository install ok
Remote prometheus-2.37.1-10000102022110211.el7-2d856b4a90e7a35322bc3412231f714fde3fd794 repository lib check ok
demo deployed
Get local repositories ok
Search plugins ok
Open ssh connection ok
Load cluster param plugin ok
Check before start observer x
[ERROR] OBD-1007: ( open files must not be less than 20000 (Current value: 1024)
[WARN] OBD-2000: ( not enough memory. (Free: 3.1G, Need: 6.0G)
[WARN] OBD-1012: ( clog and data use the same disk (/)

Check before start obagent ok
Check before start prometheus x
[ERROR] OBD-1001: port is already used

Check before start grafana ok
Check before start obproxy ok
See https://www.oceanbase.com/product/ob-deployer/error-codes .
Trace ID: 5ad271f2-f55c-11ed-bdbf-5254004c4d04
If you want to view detailed obd logs, please run: obd display-trace 5ad271f2-f55c-11ed-bdbf-5254004c4d04

1 个赞


1 个赞

[ERROR] OBD-1007: ( open files must not be less than 20000 (Current value: 1024)

1 个赞

obd demo

2 个赞

obd demo --oceanbase-ce.Prometheus=9091


1 个赞