obagent start failed sudo: 未知用户:admin

【 使用环境 】生产环境
【 OB or 其他组件 】 obagent
【 使用版本 】4.1
在一台机器掉电后, 再启动就报错了。 目前ocpexpress 也没有启动

obagent start failed

[oceanbase@localhost ~]$ obd cluster start fund
Get local repositories ok
Search plugins ok
Open ssh connection ok
Load cluster param plugin ok
Check before start observer ok
Check before start obproxy ok
Check before start obagent ok
Check before start ocp-express ok
Start observer ok
observer program health check ok
Connect to observer ok
Start obproxy ok
obproxy program health check ok
Connect to obproxy ok
Initialize obproxy-ce ok
Start obagent ok
obagent program health check x
[WARN] failed to start obagent
[ERROR] obagent start failed
Wait for observer init ok
| observer |
| ip | version | port | zone | status |
| | | 2881 | zone2 | ACTIVE |
| | | 2881 | zone1 | ACTIVE |
| | | 2881 | zone3 | ACTIVE |
obclient -h10.0.10.101 -P2881 -uroot -p’AbcD123!@#’ -Doceanbase -A

| obproxy |
| ip | port | prometheus_port | status |
| | 2883 | 2884 | active |
obclient -h10.0.10.102 -P2883 -uroot -p’AbcD123!@#’ -Doceanbase -A
See https://www.oceanbase.com/product/ob-deployer/error-codes .
Trace ID: 80637120-ec90-11ed-89a7-00155d1f7e06
If you want to view detailed obd logs, please run: obd display-trace 80637120-ec90-11ed-89a7-00155d1f7e06


obagent 日志

sudo: 无法初始化策略插件

2023-05-07T12:36:58.24988+08:00 INFO [4384,41ae14a8b522ad3e] caller=shell/exec.go:113:execute: execute shell command failed, command=Command{user=admin, program=sh, outputType=std, cmd=/usr/bin/chronyc tracking -n, timeout=50s}, exitCode=1 fields:, duration=7.053061ms

2023-05-07T12:36:58.24995+08:00 ERROR [4384,41ae14a8b522ad3e] caller=host/custom.go:234:doCollectNtpOffset: get chronyc info failed, err: failed to execute command: Command{user=admin, program=sh, outputType=std, cmd=/usr/bin/chronyc tracking -n, timeout=50s}, exitCode: 1, output: sudo: 未知用户:admin

sudo: 无法初始化策略插件

2023-05-07T12:36:58.25586+08:00 INFO [4384,41ae14a8b522ad3e] caller=shell/exec.go:113:execute: execute shell command failed, command=Command{user=admin, program=sh, outputType=std, cmd=/usr/bin/chronyc tracking -n, timeout=50s}, exitCode=1 fields:, duration=5.87645ms

2023-05-07T12:36:58.25593+08:00 ERROR [4384,41ae14a8b522ad3e] caller=host/custom.go:234:doCollectNtpOffset: get chronyc info failed, err: failed to execute command: Command{user=admin, program=sh, outputType=std, cmd=/usr/bin/chronyc tracking -n, timeout=50s}, exitCode: 1, output: sudo: 未知用户:admin

sudo: 无法初始化策略插件

2023-05-07T12:37:03.28279+08:00 INFO [4384,41ae14a8b522ad3e] caller=shell/exec.go:113:execute: execute shell command failed, command=Command{user=admin, program=sh, outputType=std, cmd=/usr/bin/chronyc tracking -n, timeout=50s}, exitCode=1 fields: duration=27.099234ms

2023-05-07T12:37:03.28287+08:00 ERROR [4384,41ae14a8b522ad3e] caller=host/custom.go:234:doCollectNtpOffset: get chronyc info failed, err: failed to execute command: Command{user=admin, program=sh, outputType=std, cmd=/usr/bin/chronyc tracking -n, timeout=50s}, exitCode: 1, output: sudo: 未知用户:admin

sudo: 无法初始化策略插件

2023-05-07T12:37:03.28293+08:00 INFO [4384,41ae14a8b522ad3e] caller=shell/exec.go:113:execute: execute shell command failed, command=Command{user=admin, program=sh, outputType=std, cmd=/usr/bin/chronyc tracking -n, timeout=50s}, exitCode=1 fields:, duration=27.681339ms

2023-05-07T12:37:03.28297+08:00 ERROR [4384,41ae14a8b522ad3e] caller=host/custom.go:234:doCollectNtpOffset: get chronyc info failed, err: failed to execute command: Command{user=admin, program=sh, outputType=std, cmd=/usr/bin/chronyc tracking -n, timeout=50s}, exitCode: 1, output: sudo: 未知用户:admin

sudo: 无法初始化策略插件

2023-05-07T12:37:08.25048+08:00 INFO [4384,41ae14a8b522ad3e] caller=shell/exec.go:113:execute: execute shell command failed, command=Command{user=admin, program=sh, outputType=std, cmd=/usr/bin/chronyc tracking -n, timeout=50s}, exitCode=1 fields: duration=7.310263ms

2023-05-07T12:37:08.25055+08:00 ERROR [4384,41ae14a8b522ad3e] caller=host/custom.go:234:doCollectNtpOffset: get chronyc info failed, err: failed to execute command: Command{user=admin, program=sh, outputType=std, cmd=/usr/bin/chronyc tracking -n, timeout=50s}, exitCode: 1, output: sudo: 未知用户:admin

sudo: 无法初始化策略插件

2023-05-07T12:37:08.25658+08:00 INFO [4384,41ae14a8b522ad3e] caller=shell/exec.go:113:execute: execute shell command failed, command=Command{user=admin, program=sh, outputType=std, cmd=/usr/bin/chronyc tracking -n, timeout=50s}, exitCode=1 fields:, duration=5.954552ms

2023-05-07T12:37:08.25663+08:00 ERROR [4384,41ae14a8b522ad3e] caller=host/custom.go:234:doCollectNtpOffset: get chronyc info failed, err: failed to execute command: Command{user=admin, program=sh, outputType=std, cmd=/usr/bin/chronyc tracking -n, timeout=50s}, exitCode: 1, output: sudo: 未知用户:admin

sudo: 无法初始化策略插件



是不是时钟问题 ?

操作系统 里没有admin 用户, 安装oceanbase时用, 我新建了oceanbase用户。 是不是oceanbase里的admin用户了?我登陆ocp e 时用是用的admin用户, 请问怎么单 独启动obagent 和ocp e ? 谢谢!!!

时钟同步过了。 有按装chrony


机器创建一个admin用户 用admin启动吧

用的oceanbase 用户启动的。


我也很奇怪, 怎么会有admin 这个用户的。 :grinning:

