DBCAT 是一款轻量级的命令行工具,可用于提供源数据库到 OceanBase 数据库的 DDL 转换和 Schema 比对等功能。工具文件名为 dbcat-[版本号]-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz,下载后解压缩即可使用,可执行文件名为 dbcat。
DBCAT 是 OMS 的一个组件,是数据对象采集和转换组件
1.1 环境准备
DBCAT 能运行在 CentOS、macOS 和 Windows 下。需要安装 JDK 1.8 以上(含)版本。可以使用 OpenJDK,安装好后配置环境变量 JAVA_HOME。
CentOS 安装 OpenJDK 示例:
$sudo yum -y install java-1.8.0-openjdk.x86_64
$which java
echo 'export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java/jdk1.8.0_261/' >> ~/.bash_profile
. ~/.bash_profile
1.2 解压安装文件
tar xvf dbcat-1.8.1-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz
# cd dbcat-1.8.1-SNAPSHOT
# ./dbcat --help
____ ____
/ __ \ _____ ___ ____ _ ____ / __ ) ____ _ _____ ___
/ / / / / ___/ / _ \ / __ `/ / __ \ / __ | / __ `/ / ___/ / _ \
/ /_/ / / /__ / __// /_/ / / / / / / /_/ / / /_/ / (__ ) / __/
\____/ \___/ \___/ \__,_/ /_/ /_/ /_____/ \__,_/ /____/ \___/
Usage: dbcat [-hV] [COMMAND]
The cli tool of dbcat
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
compare Compares database objects between different types of databases
convert Converts database objects between different types of databases
help Displays help information about the specified command
1.3 目录文件说明
conf: 日志文件配置目录。
meta: 离线转换场景下,导出字典表数据。
~/output SQL 文件与报告文件,运行时生成。
2.1 convert
在线转换是指 DBCAT 能直连源端数据库,将数据库中的对象导出。
当对象非常多时(如超过 1 万),导出过程可能会有点慢。
# 查看转换命令帮助
bin/dbcat help convert
# 命令
bin/dbcat convert -H<host> -P<port> -u<user> -p<password> -D <database> --from <from> --to <to> --all
# (1) 在线转换mysql数据库db_test中的全部的对象(包括:表、view)
bin/dbcat convert -H192.168.1.150 -P3400 -uroot -p'xxx' -D db_test --from mysql56 --to obmysql2250 --all
# (2)在线转换mysql数据库db_test中的全部的表
bin/dbcat convert -H192.168.1.150 -P3400 -uroot -p'xxx' -D db_test --from mysql56 --to obmysql2250 --table '*'
# (3)在线转换mysql数据库db_test中的表:db_name,rds_instance
bin/dbcat convert -H192.168.1.150 -P3400 -uroot -p'xxx' -D db_test --from mysql56 --to obmysql2250 --table 'db_name,rds_instance'
# 参数特别说明:
- 目前源端 MySQL 版本只支持 MySQL 5.5/5.6/5.7。--from 只支持 mysql56 和 mysql57。
- 目标端 OceanBase 版本的参数 --to 只支持 obmysql2230 和 obmysql2250。即使是 OceanBase 2.2.7 和 OceanBase 3.1 版本,也可以写成 obmysql2250。因为在 MySQL 兼容性方面,这些版本的 MySQL 语法是一样的。
2.2 示例
运行后的输出文件在用户 home
目录的 output
# cd /data/dbcat-1.8.1-SNAPSHOT
# bin/dbcat convert -H192.168.1.150 -P3400 -uroot -p'xxx' -D db_test --from mysql56 --to obmysql2250 --all
Parsed args:
[--all] true
[--port] 3400
[--user] root
[--password] ******
[--database] db_test
[--from] mysql56
[--to] obmysql2250
2022-12-30 15:53:31 INFO Query 41 tables elapsed 208.4 ms
2022-12-30 15:53:31 INFO Query 0 views elapsed 1.353 ms
2022-12-30 15:53:31 INFO Query 0 triggers elapsed 7.552 ms
2022-12-30 15:53:32 INFO Query 0 funtions elapsed 1.660 ms
2022-12-30 15:53:32 INFO Query 0 procedures elapsed 3.053 ms
2022-12-30 15:53:32 WARN Include types is empty. Ignore schema: db_test
2022-12-30 15:53:33 WARN Skip to compare/convert tablespaces as TABLESPACE is unsupported
2022-12-30 15:53:33 WARN Skip to compare/convert aliases as ALIAS is unsupported
2022-12-30 15:53:33 WARN Skip to compare/convert synonyms as SYNONYM is unsupported
2022-12-30 15:53:33 WARN Skip to compare/convert sequences as SEQUENCE is unsupported
2022-12-30 15:53:33 WARN Skip to compare/convert dblinks as DBLINK is unsupported
2022-12-30 15:33:33 INFO Init convert config finished.
2022-12-30 15:33:33 INFO {dataSource-1} inited
2022-12-30 15:33:33 INFO Init source druid connection pool finished.
2022-12-30 15:33:33 INFO Load meta/mysql/mysql56.xml successed
2022-12-30 15:33:33 INFO Query 0 dependencies elapsed 18.88 ms
2022-12-30 15:33:33 INFO Starting to convert schema to path: "/data/output/dbcat-2022-12-30-153333/db_test"
2022-12-30 15:33:33 INFO Successed to generate report in the path: "/data/output/dbcat-2022-12-30-153333/db_test-conversion.html"
2022-12-30 15:33:33 INFO {dataSource-1} closing ...
2022-12-30 15:33:33 INFO {dataSource-1} closed
# cd /data/output/dbcat-2022-12-30-153320
# ls
db_test db_test-conversion.html
# cd db_test/
# [root@1-150 db_test]# ls
# cat Table-schema.sql
# cat TABLE-schema.sql
create table if not exists `db_test`.`mysqldiff_user_source` (
`id` int(11) unsigned not null auto_increment comment '全局唯一id',
`source` varchar(32) not null default '' comment '来源',
`source_env` varchar(32) not null default '' comment '比对的db环境',
`source_unit_name` varchar(32) default 'default' comment '比对库的单元名称',
`source_dbname` varchar(200) not null comment '比对的库的dbname',
`target_env` varchar(32) not null default '' comment '参照db环境',
`target_unit_name` varchar(32) default 'default' comment '参照库的单元名称',
`target_dbname` varchar(200) not null comment '参照的dbname',
`create_user` varchar(64) not null comment '用户标识,用于后续发送钉钉消息',
`create_time` datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP comment '创建时间',
`modify_user` varchar(64) comment '修改的用户',
`modify_time` datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP comment '修改时间',
primary key (`id`)
default charset=utf8mb4
default collate=utf8mb4_general_ci
create index `idx_createuser` on `db_test`.`mysqldiff_user_source` (`create_user` ASC);
- mysql -》OB
- obmysql -》obmysql
3.1 help参数说明
[root@1-150]# bin/dbcat help compare
Usage: dbcat compare [--no-quote] [--no-schema] [--valid-only] --config-file=<configFile>
Compares database objects between different types of databases
--config-file=<configFile> Interpret the config file for comparing
Global settings:
--no-quote Generate DDL without quotation
--no-schema Generate DDL without schema name
--valid-only Interpret query the VALID status objects
Compare Schema Examples:
e.g: ./dbcat --compare --config-file ../conf/dbcat.properties
[NOTE] Edit the config file "../conf/dbcat.properties" before running compare command.
运⾏ ./dbcat compare --config-file ../conf/dbcat.properties 脚本之前,请正确地编辑 ../conf/dbcat.properties 配置⽂件!
3.2 配置参数设置:
# Global Settings
# If true, the word should be wrapped with escape character. Or(false), show the word without escape character.
# e.g:
# true -> (oracle) "id" (mysql) `id`
# false -> (oracle) id (mysql) id
# If true, provide the best conversion. Or(false), only convert smooth.
# If true, show object name without schema name. Or (false), show object name with schema name.
# e.g:
# true -> employee
# false -> scott.employee
# If true, show sql without terminator character. Or(false) the terminator character of the sql is ";"
# e.g:
# true -> create table t_test(id bigint)
# false -> create table t_test(id bigint);
# Which types of object should be compared and converted
# Only [TABLE, VIEW] is supported now
# Specified the object name, and multiple names should be separated by commas
# Specified the object name, and multiple names should be separated by commas
# Source Database JDBC Configuration
# The optional value like below:
# source.db.type=DB2LUW
# source.db.type=DB2ZOS
# source.db.type=DB2IBMI
# source.db.type=MYSQL
# source.db.type=ORACLE
# source.db.type=OBMYSQL
# source.db.type=OBORACLE
# source.db.type=SYBASE
# The optional value can reference to official docs. The supported versions like below:
# [DB2LUW] source.db.version=10.5.0
# [DB2IBMi] source.db.version=6.1 | 7.1
# [MYSQL] source.db.version=5.6
# [ORACLE] source.db.version=11g
# [OBMYSQL] source.db.version=1.4.x | 2.1.x
# [OBORACLE] source.db.version=2.1.x | 2.2.x
# [SYBASE] source.db.version=12.x | 15.x
# The url template like below:
# [DB2LUW]
# source.jdbc.url=jdbc:db2://<host>[:<port>]/<database_name>
# source.jdbc.url=jdbc:as400://<host>[:<port>];libraries=<database_name>;
# source.jdbc.url=jdbc:mysql://<host>:<port>/<database_name>
# source.jdbc.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host>:<port>:<SID>
# source.jdbc.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<host>:<port>/ServiceName
# source.jdbc.url=jdbc:oceanbase://<host>:<port>/?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8
# source.jdbc.url=jdbc:oceanbase://<host>:<port>/?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8
# source.jdbc.url=jdbc:sybase:Tds:<host>:<port>/<database_name>
# Connect to the sys tenant
# source.jdbc.sysUser=root@sys
# source.jdbc.sysPassword=
# Target Database JDBC Configuration
# The optional value like below:
# target.db.type=OBMYSQL
# target.db.type=OBORACLE
# The optional value can reference to official docs. The supported versions like below:
# [ OBMYSQL] target.db.version=1.4.x | 2.1.x | 2.2.x
# [OBORACLE] target.db.version=2.2.x
# This is optional when the global.action=CONVERT or global.action=DUMP
# The url template like below:
# [ OBMYSQL] target.jdbc.url=jdbc:oceanbase://<host>:<port>/?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8
# [OBORACLE] target.jdbc.url=jdbc:oceanbase://<host>:<port>/?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8
# Connect to the sys tenant
# target.jdbc.sysUser=root@sys
# target.jdbc.sysPassword=
3.3 示例
cd /data/dbcat-1.8.1-SNAPSHOT
bin/dbcat compare --config-file conf/dbcat.properties