使用OBD 部署的OB 4.0 BP1 版本三节点集群如何升级到最新的BP2 版本

【 使用环境 】测试环境
【 OB or 其他组件 】
【 使用版本 】 OB 4.0
【问题描述】使用OBD 部署的OB 4.0 BP1 版本三节点集群如何升级到最新的BP2 版本



OBD 1.6.2 支持 4.0 BP升级
下载地址:OceanBase 社区

升级命令 obd cluster upgrade
可以通过 package_hash 来指定特定的版本。当您使用 obd mirror 相关命令时会打印出组件的 md5 值,这个值即为 package_hash

OBD本身升级可以通过obd update



  1. 在线升级,前提是公网环境
    直接使用 obd update 命令升级 OBD即可
  2. 离线升级,前提本地已上传好obd的新版本包(ob-deploy-1.6.2-10.el7.x86_64.rpm)
    – 禁用远程镜像
    [root@test001 opt]# obd mirror disable remote
    Disable remote ok

– 拷贝新版本obd包
[root@test001 opt]# obd mirror clone /opt/ob-deploy-1.6.2-10.el7.x86_64.rpm
name: ob-deploy
version: 1.6.2
arch: x86_64
md5: 4542035d1b1af411c93cfe9f1dd78327c2ea05d4
add /opt/ob-deploy-1.6.2-10.el7.x86_64.rpm to local mirror

– 升级obd
[root@test001 opt]# obd update
Found a higher version package for OBD
name: ob-deploy
version: 1.6.2
arch: x86_64
md5: 4542035d1b1af411c93cfe9f1dd78327c2ea05d4
Upgrade successful.
Current version : 1.6.2


  1. 在线升级,前提是公网环境
    可直接使用 obd cluster upgrade 命令升级 OceanBase 数据库
  2. 离线升级,前提本地已上传好oceanbase所需的新版本rpm包(oceanbase-ce-
    – 升级完的obd,远程仓库是打开的,需要再次禁用
    [root@test001 opt]# obd mirror disable remote
    Disable remote ok

– 拷贝新版本oceanbase包
[root@test001 opt]# obd mirror clone /opt/oceanbase-ce-
name: oceanbase-ce
arch: x86_64
md5: e1c71a4cb252e51f210aae129cee0f09613d42bb
add /opt/oceanbase-ce- to local mirror

– 查看md5值,同版本升级,需要md5值做唯一验证
[root@test001 opt]# obd mirror list local
| local Package List |
| name | version | release | arch | md5 |
| oceanbase-ce | | 100000272022110114.el7 | x86_64 | 42611dc51ca9bb28f36e60e4406ceea4a74914c7 |
| obproxy-ce | 4.0.0 | 5.el7 | x86_64 | de53232a951184fad75b15884458d85e31d2f6c3 |
| oceanbase-ce-libs | | 100000272022110114.el7 | x86_64 | 188919f8128394bf9b62e3989220ded05f1d14da |
| ob-deploy | 1.6.2 | 10.el7 | x86_64 | 4542035d1b1af411c93cfe9f1dd78327c2ea05d4 |
| oceanbase-ce | | 102000032022120718.el7 | x86_64 | e1c71a4cb252e51f210aae129cee0f09613d42bb |

– 升级ob
[root@test001 opt]# obd cluster upgrade lzq -c oceanbase-ce -V --usable e1c71a4cb252e51f210aae129cee0f09613d42bb
Get local repositories and plugins ok
| Search oceanbase-ce Result |
| name | version | release | arch | md5 |
| oceanbase-ce | | 100000272022110114.el7 | x86_64 | 42611dc51ca9bb28f36e60e4406ceea4a74914c7 |
| oceanbase-ce | | 102000032022120718.el7 | x86_64 | e1c71a4cb252e51f210aae129cee0f09613d42bb |
install oceanbase-ce- for local ok
Open ssh connection ok
Connect to observer ok
| Packages Will Be Used |
| name | version | release | arch | md5 | mark |
| oceanbase-ce | | 100000272022110114.el7 | x86_64 | 42611dc51ca9bb28f36e60e4406ceea4a74914c7 | start |
| oceanbase-ce | | 102000032022120718.el7 | x86_64 | e1c71a4cb252e51f210aae129cee0f09613d42bb | dest |
If you use a non-official release, we cannot guarantee a successful upgrade or technical support when you fail. Make sure that you want to use the above package to upgrade. [y/n]: y
Remote oceanbase-ce- repository install ok
Remote oceanbase-ce- repository lib check ok
Start observer ok
observer program health check ok
Connect to observer ok
Exec upgrade_checker.py ok
Enable upgrade mode ok
Exec upgrade_pre.py ok
Upgrade ok
Remote oceanbase-ce- repository lib check ok
Stop observer ok
Start observer ok
observer program health check ok
Connect to observer ok
Exec upgrade_post.py ok
Disable upgrade mode ok
Root inspection ok
Exec upgrade_post_checker.py ok
Wait for observer init ok
| observer |
| ip | version | port | zone | status |
| xx.xx.xx.xx | | 2881 | zone1 | ACTIVE |
obclient -hxx.xx.xx.xx -P2881 -uroot -Doceanbase -A


  1. 该场景版本不涉及obproxy升级
  2. 升级ob报错:[ERROR] Too many match
    – 检查升级命令是否有–usable参数,值为md5值

[admin@obproxy-node ~]$ obd update
[ERROR] To update OBD, you must be a root user.

[root@obproxy-node ~]# /home/admin/oceanbase-all-in-one/obd/usr/bin/obd update
[ERROR] OBD upgrade plugin not found




切换root直接执行obd update ,如果报错 提供下obd的日志

升级 oceanbase操作过程和报错如下:
[admin@obproxy-node ~]$ obd mirror disable remote
Disable remote ok
[admin@obproxy-node ~]$ obd mirror clone /home/admin/soft/oceanbase-all-in-one/rpms/oceanbase-ce-
mirror oceanbase-ce- existed. Do you want to overwrite? [y/n]: y
name: oceanbase-ce
arch: x86_64
md5: e1c71a4cb252e51f210aae129cee0f09613d42bb
add /home/admin/soft/oceanbase-all-in-one/rpms/oceanbase-ce- to local mirror
[admin@obproxy-node ~]$
[admin@obproxy-node ~]$ obd mirror list local
| local Package List |
| name | version | release | arch | md5 |
| oceanbase-ce | | 100000282022112511.el7 | x86_64 | 75ec57ebe42718b386901357cef1e5d3864748ee |
| oceanbase-ce-libs | | 100000282022112511.el7 | x86_64 | c5f1e971cc335efe36233cae291a170a0f518e19 |
| ob-deploy | 1.6.2 | 10.el7 | x86_64 | 4542035d1b1af411c93cfe9f1dd78327c2ea05d4 |
| grafana | 7.5.17 | 1 | x86_64 | 1bf1f338d3a3445d8599dc6902e7aeed4de4e0d6 |
| obagent | 1.2.0 | 4.el7 | x86_64 | 0e8f5ee68c337ea28514c9f3f820ea546227fa7e |
| obproxy-ce | 4.0.0 | 5.el7 | x86_64 | de53232a951184fad75b15884458d85e31d2f6c3 |
| oceanbase-ce-libs | | 102000032022120718.el7 | x86_64 | ae630e9c53aeee1f6a542d9bdee6beefdc9af3ad |
| prometheus | 2.37.1 | 10000102022110211.el7 | x86_64 | 58913c7606f05feb01bc1c6410346e5fc31cf263 |
| oceanbase-ce | | 102000032022120718.el7 | x86_64 | e1c71a4cb252e51f210aae129cee0f09613d42bb |

[admin@obproxy-node ~]$ obd cluster upgrade obcluster -c oceanbase-ce -V --usable e1c71a4cb252e51f210aae129cee0f09613d42bb
Get local repositories and plugins ok
| Search oceanbase-ce Result |
| name | version | release | arch | md5 |
| oceanbase-ce | | 100000282022112511.el7 | x86_64 | 75ec57ebe42718b386901357cef1e5d3864748ee |
| oceanbase-ce | | 102000032022120718.el7 | x86_64 | e1c71a4cb252e51f210aae129cee0f09613d42bb |
install oceanbase-ce- for local ok
Open ssh connection ok
Connect to observer ok
| Packages Will Be Used |
| name | version | release | arch | md5 | mark |
| oceanbase-ce | | 100000282022112511.el7 | x86_64 | 75ec57ebe42718b386901357cef1e5d3864748ee | start |
| oceanbase-ce | | 102000032022120718.el7 | x86_64 | e1c71a4cb252e51f210aae129cee0f09613d42bb | dest |
If you use a non-official release, we cannot guarantee a successful upgrade or technical support when you fail. Make sure that you want to use the above package to upgrade. [y/n]: y
Remote oceanbase-ce- repository install ok
Remote oceanbase-ce- repository lib check ok
Start observer ok
observer program health check ok
Connect to observer ok
Exec upgrade_checker.py x
See https://www.oceanbase.com/product/ob-deployer/error-codes .

-rw-rw-r-- 1 admin admin 3652 Dec 28 16:49 upgrade_checker.log
[admin@obproxy-node ~]$ more upgrade_checker.log
[2022-12-28 16:49:13] INFO init.py:1611 parameters from cmd: host=“”, port=2881, user=“root”, password=“ob@Passwd”, log-file=“upgrade_checker.log”
[2022-12-28 16:49:14] INFO init.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select distinct value from GV$OB_PARAMETERS where name=‘min_observer_version’, rowcount = 1
[2022-12-28 16:49:14] INFO init.py:1611 check observer version success, version =
[2022-12-28 16:49:14] INFO init.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select count(1) as unsync_cnt from GV$OB_LOG_STAT where in_sync = ‘NO’, rowcount = 1
[2022-12-28 16:49:14] INFO init.py:1611 check paxos replica success
[2022-12-28 16:49:14] INFO init.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select count(1) as cnt from DBA_OB_TENANT_JOBS where job_status=‘INPROGRESS’ and result_code is null, rowcount = 1
[2022-12-28 16:49:14] INFO init.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select count(1) as rebalance_task_cnt from CDB_OB_LS_REPLICA_TASKS, rowcount = 1
[2022-12-28 16:49:14] INFO init.py:1611 check rebalance task success
[2022-12-28 16:49:14] INFO init.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select count(1) from CDB_OB_MAJOR_COMPACTION where STATUS != ‘IDLE’, rowcount = 1
[2022-12-28 16:49:14] INFO init.py:1611 check cluster status success
[2022-12-28 16:49:14] INFO init.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select count(*) as count from DBA_OB_TENANTS where status != ‘NORMAL’, rowcount = 1
[2022-12-28 16:49:14] INFO init.py:1611 check tenant status success
[2022-12-28 16:49:14] INFO init.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select count(1) from CDB_OB_RESTORE_PROGRESS, rowcount = 1
[2022-12-28 16:49:14] INFO init.py:1611 check restore job success
[2022-12-28 16:49:14] INFO init.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select tenant_name,primary_zone from DBA_OB_TENANTS where tenant_id != 1, rowcount = 2
[2022-12-28 16:49:14] INFO init.py:1611 check tenant primary zone success
[2022-12-28 16:49:14] ERROR init.py:1585 run error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/tmp/”, line 406, in do_check
File “/tmp/”, line 383, in check_fail_list
raise MyError(error_msg)
MyError: 'upgrade checker failed with 2 reasons: [META$1002 tenant primary zone random before update not allowed] , [obuser tenant primary zone random before update not allowed] ’
[2022-12-28 16:49:14] ERROR init.py:1585 normal error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/tmp/”, line 410, in do_check
raise e
MyError: 'upgrade checker failed with 2 reasons: [META$1002 tenant primary zone random before update not allowed] , [obuser tenant primary zone random before update not allowed] ’
[2022-12-28 16:49:14] ERROR init.py:1585 normal error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/tmp/”, line 440, in
do_check(host, port, user, password, upgrade_params)
File “/tmp/”, line 419, in do_check
raise e
MyError: 'upgrade checker failed with 2 reasons: [META$1002 tenant primary zone random before update not allowed] , [obuser tenant primary zone random before update not allowed] ’

[admin@obproxy-node .obd]$ obd cluster list
| Cluster List |
| Name | Configuration Path | Status (Cached) |
| demo | /home/admin/.obd/cluster/demo | configured |
| obcluster | /home/admin/.obd/cluster/obcluster | upgrading |

报错挺清晰的,升级的时候,需要设置primary zone,这里没有设置primary zone升级的检测就直接报错

1002租户指定下主zone,ALTER TENANT tenant1 primary_zone=‘zone1’;


[admin@obproxy-node .obd]$ obd cluster list
| Cluster List |
| Name | Configuration Path | Status (Cached) |
| demo | /home/admin/.obd/cluster/demo | configured |
| obcluster | /home/admin/.obd/cluster/obcluster | upgrading |


[admin@obproxy-node ~]$ obclient -h -uroot@sys#obcluster -pob@Passwd -P2883 -c -A oceanbase
Welcome to the OceanBase. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your OceanBase connection id is 42
Server version: OceanBase_CE (r100000282022112511-dd289d2407609a88b1fcdf2be9e7c384cb8e19d0) (Built Nov 25 2022 11:58:08)

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, OceanBase and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Type ‘help;’ or ‘\h’ for help. Type ‘\c’ to clear the current input statement.

obclient [oceanbase]> ALTER TENANT tenant1 primary_zone=‘zone1’;
ERROR 5157 (HY000): Unknown tenant ‘tenant1’


我创建的多租户是 obuser ,我将obuser 的PRIMARY_ZONE 修改为 ‘zone1’;

[admin@obproxy-node conf]$ obclient -h -uroot@sys#obcluster -pob@Passwd -P2883 -c -A oceanbase
Welcome to the OceanBase. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your OceanBase connection id is 46
Server version: OceanBase_CE (r100000282022112511-dd289d2407609a88b1fcdf2be9e7c384cb8e19d0) (Built Nov 25 2022 11:58:08)

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, OceanBase and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Type ‘help;’ or ‘\h’ for help. Type ‘\c’ to clear the current input statement.

obclient [oceanbase]> ALTER TENANT obuser PRIMARY_ZONE =‘zone1’;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.835 sec)

[admin@obproxy-node ~]$ obclient -h -uroot@sys#obcluster -pob@Passwd -P2883 -c -A oceanbase
Welcome to the OceanBase. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your OceanBase connection id is 50
Server version: OceanBase_CE (r102000032022120718-58fdb0ef1a9b589ef05e56c1ede65e951986d996) (Built Dec 7 2022 18:32:31)

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, OceanBase and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Type ‘help;’ or ‘\h’ for help. Type ‘\c’ to clear the current input statement.

obclient [oceanbase]> ALTER TENANT obuser PRIMARY_ZONE =‘zone2’;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.249 sec)

obclient [oceanbase]> ALTER TENANT obuser PRIMARY_ZONE =‘zone1;zone2;zone3’;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.095 sec)

再执行:obd cluster upgrade obcluster -c oceanbase-ce -V --usable e1c71a4cb252e51f210aae129cee0f09613d42bb 升级成功

[admin@obproxy-node ~]$ obd cluster upgrade obcluster -c oceanbase-ce -V --usable e1c71a4cb252e51f210aae129cee0f09613d42bb
Get local repositories and plugins ok
Open ssh connection ok
Remote oceanbase-ce- repository install ok
Remote oceanbase-ce- repository lib check ok
Start observer ok
observer program health check ok
Connect to observer ok
Exec upgrade_checker.py ok
Enable upgrade mode ok
Exec upgrade_pre.py ok
Rotation upgrade ok
upgrade zone “zone1”

Remote oceanbase-ce- repository lib check ok
Stop observer ok
Start observer ok
observer program health check ok
Connect to observer ok
upgrade zone “zone2”
Remote oceanbase-ce- repository install ok
Remote oceanbase-ce- repository lib check ok
Stop observer ok
Start observer ok
observer program health check ok
Connect to observer ok
upgrade zone “zone3”
Remote oceanbase-ce- repository install ok
Remote oceanbase-ce- repository lib check ok
Stop observer ok
Start observer ok
observer program health check ok
Connect to observer ok
Exec upgrade_post.py ok
Disable upgrade mode ok
Root inspection ok
Exec upgrade_post_checker.py ok
Wait for observer init ok
| observer |
| ip | version | port | zone | status |
| | | 2881 | zone1 | ACTIVE |
| | | 2881 | zone2 | ACTIVE |
| | | 2881 | zone3 | ACTIVE |
obclient -h10.110.3.152 -P2881 -uroot -pob@Passwd -Doceanbase -A