麒麟操作系统obd 部署集群ssh校验失败



【问题描述】麒麟操作系统obd 安装ssh校验失败,

obd cluster autodeploy openob -c distributed-with-exmple.yaml

[ERROR] root@ connect failed:[ Errno 110] Connection timed out

但是实际ssh root@ hostname 可以正常执行。

不知是否与麒麟ssh 的Authorized users only提示有关

[root@OPENOB1 soft]# cat /etc/kylin-release

Kylin Linux Advanced Server release V10 (Tercel)

[root@OPENOB1 soft]#

[root@OPENOB1 soft]# obd cluster autodeploy openob -c distributed-with-obproxy-example.yaml


oceanbase-ce-3.1.3 already installed.

obproxy-3.2.0 already installed.

Cluster param config check ok

Open ssh connection ok

Generate observer configuration ok

Generate obproxy configuration ok

oceanbase-ce-3.1.3 already installed.

obproxy-3.2.0 already installed.


|                                         Packages                                        |


| Repository  | Version | Release              | Md5                                     |


| oceanbase-ce | 3.1.3  | 10000292022032916.el7 | eab08e5d473bd4884fdf2ac4d7dff6a329b68abe |

| obproxy     | 3.2.0  | 1.el7                | 8d5c6978f988935dc3da1dbec208914668dcf3b2 |


Repository integrity check ok

Parameter check ok

Open ssh connection x

[ERROR] root@ connect failed: [Errno 110] Connection timed out

[root@OPENOB1 soft]#

[root@OPENOB1 soft]#

[root@OPENOB1 soft]#

[root@OPENOB1 soft]# ssh root@ hostname                                         

Authorized users only. All activities may be monitored and reported.


[root@OPENOB1 soft]#

