error 2013(hy000)lost connection to mysql server during query

【问题描述】error 2013(hy000)lost connection to mysql server during query


[2022-03-11 18:04:44.540816] ERROR [SERVER.OMT] alloc (ob_worker_pool.cpp:93) [4944][636][Y0-0000000000000000] [lt=2] [dc=0] worker cnt larger than max cnt(worker_cnt_=248, max_cnt_=204) BACKTRACE:0x97b78ce 0x970a211 0x2225fdf 0x2225c2b 0x22259f2 0x2216344 0x9078c42 0x907c10c 0x907b814 0x90772e6 0x9076cee 0x2bde104 0x2be0a32 0x95a1975 0x95a06a2 0x959d1cf

[2022-03-11 18:04:44.540822] ERROR [SERVER.OMT] alloc (ob_worker_pool.cpp:93) [4944][636][Y0-0000000000000000] [lt=1] [dc=0] worker cnt larger than max cnt(worker_cnt_=248, max_cnt_=204) BACKTRACE:0x97b78ce 0x970a211 0x2225fdf 0x2225c2b 0x22259f2 0x2216344 0x9078c42 0x907c73d 0x907ba3f 0x90772e6 0x9076cee 0x2bde104 0x2be0a32 0x95a1975 0x95a06a2 0x959d1cf

调大observer的cpu 或者将把 cpu_quota_concurrency 配置项改成2