[2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 parameters from cmd: host="", port=2889, user="root", password="Y{z0A)w9f]k)(|/", timeout="0", module="set(['post_check', 'health_check', 'begin_upgrade', 'end_rolling_upgrade', 'begin_rolling_upgrade', 'end_upgrade', 'tenant_upgrade', 'special_action'])", log-file="upgrade_pre.log" [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 select distinct(substring_index(build_version, '_', 1)) from __all_server [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 check server version success [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 ================begin to run begin upgrade action=============== [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 select * from oceanbase.GV$OB_PARAMETERS where name = 'enable_upgrade_mode' and value = 'True' [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 set @@session.ob_query_timeout = 60000000 [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 select count(*) as cnt from oceanbase.GV$OB_PARAMETERS where name = 'enable_upgrade_mode' and value != 'True' [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 enable_upgrade_mode is sync, value is True [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 set @@session.ob_query_timeout = 10000000 [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 ================succeed to run begin upgrade action=============== [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 ================begin to run begin rolling upgrade action=============== [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 select * from oceanbase.GV$OB_PARAMETERS where name = '_upgrade_stage' and value = 'DBUPGRADE' [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 set @@session.ob_query_timeout = 60000000 [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 select count(*) as cnt from oceanbase.GV$OB_PARAMETERS where name = '_upgrade_stage' and value != 'DBUPGRADE' [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 _upgrade_stage is sync, value is DBUPGRADE [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 set @@session.ob_query_timeout = 10000000 [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 ================succeed to run begin rolling upgrade action=============== [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 ================begin to run special action=============== [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 select distinct value from __all_virtual_sys_parameter_stat where name='min_observer_version' [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 get observer version success, version = [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 alter system set enable_ddl = 'False' [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 set @@session.ob_query_timeout = 60000000 [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 select count(*) as cnt from oceanbase.GV$OB_PARAMETERS where name = 'enable_ddl' and value != 'False' [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 enable_ddl is sync, value is False [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 set @@session.ob_query_timeout = 10000000 [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 alter system set enable_major_freeze = 'False' [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 set @@session.ob_query_timeout = 60000000 [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 select count(*) as cnt from oceanbase.GV$OB_PARAMETERS where name = 'enable_major_freeze' and value != 'False' [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 enable_major_freeze is sync, value is False [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 set @@session.ob_query_timeout = 10000000 [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 select distinct value from oceanbase.GV$OB_PARAMETERS where name='min_observer_version' [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select distinct tenant_id from oceanbase.__all_tenant order by tenant_id desc, rowcount = 7 [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 use default timeout caculated by tenants, timeout(s):70, tenant_count:7, timeout_per_tenant(s):10, min_timeout(s):60 [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 set @@session.ob_query_timeout = 70000000 [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 alter system set _enable_adaptive_compaction = 'False' tenant = 'sys' [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 alter system set _enable_adaptive_compaction = 'False' tenant = 'all_user' [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 alter system set _enable_adaptive_compaction = 'False' tenant = 'all_meta' [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 set @@session.ob_query_timeout = 10000000 [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select distinct tenant_id from oceanbase.__all_tenant order by tenant_id desc, rowcount = 7 [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 use default timeout caculated by tenants, timeout(s):70, tenant_count:7, timeout_per_tenant(s):10, min_timeout(s):60 [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select distinct tenant_id from oceanbase.__all_tenant order by tenant_id desc, rowcount = 7 [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 use default timeout caculated by tenants, timeout(s):60, tenant_count:7, timeout_per_tenant(s):2, min_timeout(s):60 [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 set @@session.ob_query_timeout = 60000000 [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 select count(*) as cnt from oceanbase.__all_virtual_tenant_parameter_info where name = '_enable_adaptive_compaction' and value != 'False' [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 _enable_adaptive_compaction is sync, value is False [2024-01-31 09:34:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 set @@session.ob_query_timeout = 10000000 [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select distinct value from oceanbase.GV$OB_PARAMETERS where name = 'enable_major_freeze';, rowcount = 1 [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 use timeout from opt, timeout(s):600 [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select count(1) from oceanbase.CDB_OB_MAJOR_COMPACTION where (GLOBAL_BROADCAST_SCN > LAST_SCN or STATUS != 'IDLE'), rowcount = 1 [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 check value is 0 success [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select /*+ query_timeout(1000000000) */ count(1) from oceanbase.__all_virtual_tablet_compaction_info where max_received_scn > finished_scn and max_received_scn > 0, rowcount = 1 [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 check value is 0 success [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 select distinct value from oceanbase.GV$OB_PARAMETERS where name='min_observer_version' [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select distinct tenant_id from oceanbase.__all_tenant order by tenant_id desc, rowcount = 7 [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 use default timeout caculated by tenants, timeout(s):70, tenant_count:7, timeout_per_tenant(s):10, min_timeout(s):60 [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 set @@session.ob_query_timeout = 70000000 [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 alter system suspend merge tenant = sys [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 alter system suspend merge tenant = all_user [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 alter system suspend merge tenant = all_meta [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 set @@session.ob_query_timeout = 10000000 [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 ================succeed to run special action=============== [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 ================begin to run health check action =============== [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 zone is empty, check all servers in cluster [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select distinct tenant_id from oceanbase.__all_tenant order by tenant_id desc, rowcount = 7 [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 use default timeout caculated by tenants, timeout(s):600, tenant_count:7, timeout_per_tenant(s):10, min_timeout(s):600 [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select count(*) from oceanbase.__all_server where (start_service_time <= 0 or status='inactive'), rowcount = 1 [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 check value is 0 success [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select distinct tenant_id from oceanbase.__all_tenant order by tenant_id desc, rowcount = 7 [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 use default timeout caculated by tenants, timeout(s):600, tenant_count:7, timeout_per_tenant(s):10, min_timeout(s):600 [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select count(*) from oceanbase.GV$OB_LOG_STAT where in_sync = 'NO', rowcount = 1 [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 check value is 0 success [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 check paxos replica success [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select distinct tenant_id from oceanbase.__all_tenant order by tenant_id desc, rowcount = 7 [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 use default timeout caculated by tenants, timeout(s):600, tenant_count:7, timeout_per_tenant(s):30, min_timeout(s):600 [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select if (a.cnt = b.cnt, 1, 0) as passed from (select count(*) as cnt from oceanbase.__all_virtual_server_schema_info where refreshed_schema_version > 1 and refreshed_schema_version % 8 = 0) as a join (select count(*) as cnt from oceanbase.__all_server join oceanbase.__all_tenant) as b, rowcount = 1 [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 check value is 1 success [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 skip check server version by cluster [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select distinct value from oceanbase.GV$OB_PARAMETERS where name = 'enable_major_freeze';, rowcount = 1 [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select distinct tenant_id from oceanbase.__all_tenant order by tenant_id desc, rowcount = 7 [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 use default timeout caculated by tenants, timeout(s):600, tenant_count:7, timeout_per_tenant(s):30, min_timeout(s):600 [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select count(1) from oceanbase.CDB_OB_MAJOR_COMPACTION where (GLOBAL_BROADCAST_SCN > LAST_SCN or STATUS != 'IDLE'), rowcount = 1 [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 check value is 0 success [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select /*+ query_timeout(1000000000) */ count(1) from oceanbase.__all_virtual_tablet_compaction_info where max_received_scn > finished_scn and max_received_scn > 0, rowcount = 1 [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 check value is 0 success [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 ================succeed to run health check action =============== [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 ================================================================================== [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 ============================== STATISTICS BEGIN ================================== [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 ================================================================================== [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed run sql(except sql of special actions): [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 commited sql(except sql of special actions): [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 ================================================================================== [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 =============================== STATISTICS END =================================== [2024-01-31 09:36:37] INFO __init__.py:1611 ==================================================================================