[2024-06-04 09:31:58] [info] environmental.cpp(27): Max file descriptors: 655350 [2024-06-04 09:31:58] [info] environmental.cpp(34): Max processes/threads: 655360 [2024-06-04 09:31:58] [info] environmental.cpp(41): Core dump size: 18446744073709551615 [2024-06-04 09:31:58] [info] environmental.cpp(48): Maximum number of pending signals: 252957 [2024-06-04 09:31:58] [info] binlog_server.cpp(66): Start pull up all BC processes [2024-06-04 09:31:58] [info] binlog_server.cpp(76): The current binlog converter [obproc,proc]is alive and the pull action is terminated [2024-06-04 09:31:58] [info] binlog_server.cpp(76): The current binlog converter [obproc,proc]is alive and the pull action is terminated [2024-06-04 09:31:58] [info] binlog_server.cpp(76): The current binlog converter [obproc,proc]is alive and the pull action is terminated [2024-06-04 09:31:58] [info] binlog_server.cpp(76): The current binlog converter [obproc,proc]is alive and the pull action is terminated [2024-06-04 09:31:58] [info] binlog_server.cpp(76): The current binlog converter [obproc,proc]is alive and the pull action is terminated [2024-06-04 09:31:58] [info] binlog_server.cpp(76): The current binlog converter [obproc,proc]is alive and the pull action is terminated [2024-06-04 09:31:58] [info] binlog_server.cpp(76): The current binlog converter [obproc,proc]is alive and the pull action is terminated [2024-06-04 09:31:58] [info] binlog_server.cpp(76): The current binlog converter [obproc,proc]is alive and the pull action is terminated [2024-06-04 09:31:58] [info] binlog_server.cpp(76): The current binlog converter [obproc,proc]is alive and the pull action is terminated [2024-06-04 09:31:58] [info] binlog_server.cpp(76): The current binlog converter [obproc,proc]is alive and the pull action is terminated [2024-06-04 09:31:58] [info] binlog_server.cpp(76): The current binlog converter [obproc,proc]is alive and the pull action is terminated [2024-06-04 09:31:58] [info] binlog_server.cpp(76): The current binlog converter [obproc,proc]is alive and the pull action is terminated [2024-06-04 09:31:58] [info] binlog_server.cpp(76): The current binlog converter [obproc,proc]is alive and the pull action is terminated [2024-06-04 09:31:58] [info] binlog_server.cpp(89): Finish to pull up 1 BC processes [2024-06-04 09:31:58] [info] event_wrapper.cpp(43): Succeed to listen socket with port: 2983 [2024-06-04 09:31:58] [info] binlog_server.cpp(47): Start OceanBase binlog server on port 2983 [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] event_dispatch.cpp(43): On connect from [,,] [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] connection.cpp(202): Received handshake response on connection [proxyro@sys#obproc,,], user: proxyro@sys#obproc [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] event_dispatch.cpp(88): Processed handshake response on connection:[proxyro@sys#obproc,obproc,sys] [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] cmd_processor.cpp(51): Received query [SET @@ob_enable_transmission_checksum = 1, @_min_cluster_version = '';] on connection [proxyro@sys#obproc,obproc,sys] [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] cmd_processor.cpp(72): Successfully parsed SQL [type:24],[SET @@ob_enable_transmission_checksum = 1, @_min_cluster_version = '';] [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] sql_cmd_processor.cpp(869): set global var ob_enable_transmission_checksum=1 [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] sql_cmd_processor.cpp(858): set session var _min_cluster_version= [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] event_dispatch.cpp(98): Succeeded do_cmd on connection [56891fb3ef7d7368155cc2134e6bb][proxyro@sys#obproc,obproc,sys] [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] cmd_processor.cpp(51): Received query [show binlog server for tenant `obproc`.`proc`] on connection [proxyro@sys#obproc,obproc,sys] [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] cmd_processor.cpp(72): Successfully parsed SQL [type:21],[show binlog server for tenant `obproc`.`proc`] [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] event_dispatch.cpp(98): Succeeded do_cmd on connection [56891fb3ef7d7368155cc2134e6bb][proxyro@sys#obproc,obproc,sys] [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] event_dispatch.cpp(43): On connect from [,,] [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] connection.cpp(202): Received handshake response on connection [canal_sync@proc#obproc,,], user: canal_sync@proc#obproc [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] event_dispatch.cpp(88): Processed handshake response on connection:[canal_sync@proc#obproc,obproc,proc] [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] cmd_processor.cpp(51): Received query [SET @@ob_enable_transmission_checksum = 1, @@_show_ddl_in_compat_mode = 1, @@wait_timeout = 9999999, @@net_write_timeout = 1800, @@net_read_timeout = 1800, @@character_set_client = 63, @@character_set_results = 63, @@character_set_connection = 63, @@collation_connection = 63, @@ob_query_timeout = 100000000, @_min_cluster_version = '', @master_binlog_checksum = X'4352433332', @slave_uuid = '40f436f6-2212-11ef-ab42-525400bf8a7c', @mariadb_slave_capability = X'34', @master_heartbeat_period = 15000000000;] on connection [canal_sync@proc#obproc,obproc,proc] [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] cmd_processor.cpp(72): Successfully parsed SQL [type:24],[SET @@ob_enable_transmission_checksum = 1, @@_show_ddl_in_compat_mode = 1, @@wait_timeout = 9999999, @@net_write_timeout = 1800, @@net_read_timeout = 1800, @@character_set_client = 63, @@character_set_results = 63, @@character_set_connection = 63, @@collation_connection = 63, @@ob_query_timeout = 100000000, @_min_cluster_version = '', @master_binlog_checksum = X'4352433332', @slave_uuid = '40f436f6-2212-11ef-ab42-525400bf8a7c', @mariadb_slave_capability = X'34', @master_heartbeat_period = 15000000000;] [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] sql_cmd_processor.cpp(869): set global var ob_enable_transmission_checksum=1 [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] sql_cmd_processor.cpp(869): set global var _show_ddl_in_compat_mode=1 [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] sql_cmd_processor.cpp(869): set global var wait_timeout=9999999 [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] sql_cmd_processor.cpp(869): set global var net_write_timeout=1800 [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] sql_cmd_processor.cpp(869): set global var net_read_timeout=1800 [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] sql_cmd_processor.cpp(869): set global var character_set_client=63 [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] sql_cmd_processor.cpp(869): set global var character_set_results=63 [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] sql_cmd_processor.cpp(869): set global var character_set_connection=63 [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] sql_cmd_processor.cpp(869): set global var collation_connection=63 [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] sql_cmd_processor.cpp(869): set global var ob_query_timeout=100000000 [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] sql_cmd_processor.cpp(858): set session var _min_cluster_version= [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] sql_cmd_processor.cpp(858): set session var master_binlog_checksum=CRC32 [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] sql_cmd_processor.cpp(858): set session var slave_uuid=40f436f6-2212-11ef-ab42-525400bf8a7c [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] sql_cmd_processor.cpp(858): set session var mariadb_slave_capability=4 [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] sql_cmd_processor.cpp(858): set session var master_heartbeat_period=15000000000 [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] event_dispatch.cpp(98): Succeeded do_cmd on connection [815673c955a543dcfe8af48d284b5fc][canal_sync@proc#obproc,obproc,proc] [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] cmd_processor.cpp(230): Start register slave on connection [canal_sync@proc#obproc,obproc,proc], host, port 50034, server_id 687865857, user canal_sync@proc, password YunjiCanalsync3e#E [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] event_dispatch.cpp(98): Succeeded do_cmd on connection [815673c955a543dcfe8af48d284b5fc][canal_sync@proc#obproc,obproc,proc] [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] cmd_processor.cpp(51): Received query [show binlog server for tenant `obproc`.`proc`] on connection [proxyro@sys#obproc,obproc,sys] [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] cmd_processor.cpp(72): Successfully parsed SQL [type:21],[show binlog server for tenant `obproc`.`proc`] [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] event_dispatch.cpp(98): Succeeded do_cmd on connection [56891fb3ef7d7368155cc2134e6bb][proxyro@sys#obproc,obproc,sys] [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] cmd_processor.cpp(96): Start binlog dump on connection [canal_sync@proc#obproc,obproc,proc], file mysql-bin.001419, position 128116408, server_id 687865857, flags 2 [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] event_dispatch.cpp(107): Connection [815673c955a543dcfe8af48d284b5fc][canal_sync@proc#obproc,obproc,proc] has been transferred to binlog dump state [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] binlog_dumper.cpp(1021): The master_binlog_checksum at the session level is set to 1 [2024-06-04 09:32:06] [info] counter.cpp(142): #### Counter thread running, tid: 286185