[2023-12-20 10:51:05.247] [DEBUG] - cmd: ['observer'] [2023-12-20 10:51:05.247] [DEBUG] - opts: {'component': 'ocp-express', 'version': '4.2.1', 'skip_check': None, 'usable': 'c69fe1fe0ec0d1a4e14f75468ccda4d0a7ca8d28', 'disable': '', 'executer_path': '/home/admin/.oceanbase-all-in-one/obd/usr/obd/lib/executer', 'script_query_timeout': '', 'ignore_standby': None} [2023-12-20 10:51:05.247] [DEBUG] - mkdir /home/admin/.obd/lock/ [2023-12-20 10:51:05.247] [DEBUG] - unknown lock mode [2023-12-20 10:51:05.248] [DEBUG] - try to get share lock /home/admin/.obd/lock/global [2023-12-20 10:51:05.248] [DEBUG] - share lock `/home/admin/.obd/lock/global`, count 1 [2023-12-20 10:51:05.248] [DEBUG] - Get Deploy by name [2023-12-20 10:51:05.248] [DEBUG] - mkdir /home/admin/.obd/cluster/ [2023-12-20 10:51:05.248] [DEBUG] - mkdir /home/admin/.obd/config_parser/ [2023-12-20 10:51:05.249] [DEBUG] - try to get exclusive lock /home/admin/.obd/lock/deploy_observer [2023-12-20 10:51:05.249] [DEBUG] - exclusive lock `/home/admin/.obd/lock/deploy_observer`, count 1 [2023-12-20 10:51:05.256] [DEBUG] - Deploy status judge [2023-12-20 10:51:05.302] [INFO] Get local repositories and plugins [2023-12-20 10:51:05.303] [DEBUG] - mkdir /home/admin/.obd/repository [2023-12-20 10:51:05.303] [DEBUG] - Get local repository oceanbase-ce- [2023-12-20 10:51:05.303] [DEBUG] - try to get share lock /home/admin/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo [2023-12-20 10:51:05.304] [DEBUG] - share lock `/home/admin/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo`, count 1 [2023-12-20 10:51:05.306] [DEBUG] - Get local repository obproxy-ce- [2023-12-20 10:51:05.306] [DEBUG] - share lock `/home/admin/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo`, count 2 [2023-12-20 10:51:05.308] [DEBUG] - Get local repository obagent-4.2.1-c08058fef64b2dc6b5e2f99748fbd76fe872e356 [2023-12-20 10:51:05.308] [DEBUG] - share lock `/home/admin/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo`, count 3 [2023-12-20 10:51:05.310] [DEBUG] - Get local repository ocp-express-4.2.0-ccec08112a29067633797d20685b6e6d70e890d9 [2023-12-20 10:51:05.310] [DEBUG] - share lock `/home/admin/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo`, count 4 [2023-12-20 10:51:05.312] [DEBUG] - Searching param plugin for components ... [2023-12-20 10:51:05.312] [DEBUG] - Search param plugin for oceanbase-ce [2023-12-20 10:51:05.312] [DEBUG] - mkdir /home/admin/.obd/plugins [2023-12-20 10:51:05.313] [DEBUG] - Found for oceanbase-ce-param- for oceanbase-ce- [2023-12-20 10:51:05.313] [DEBUG] - Applying oceanbase-ce-param- for oceanbase-ce- [2023-12-20 10:51:05.874] [DEBUG] - Search param plugin for obproxy-ce [2023-12-20 10:51:05.875] [DEBUG] - Found for obproxy-ce-param-3.1.0 for obproxy-ce- [2023-12-20 10:51:05.875] [DEBUG] - Applying obproxy-ce-param-3.1.0 for obproxy-ce- [2023-12-20 10:51:06.009] [DEBUG] - Search param plugin for obagent [2023-12-20 10:51:06.009] [DEBUG] - Found for obagent-param-1.3.0 for obagent-4.2.1 [2023-12-20 10:51:06.010] [DEBUG] - Applying obagent-param-1.3.0 for obagent-4.2.1-100000122023103020.el7-c08058fef64b2dc6b5e2f99748fbd76fe872e356 [2023-12-20 10:51:06.080] [DEBUG] - Search param plugin for ocp-express [2023-12-20 10:51:06.081] [DEBUG] - Found for ocp-express-param-4.1.0 for ocp-express-4.2.0 [2023-12-20 10:51:06.081] [DEBUG] - Applying ocp-express-param-4.1.0 for ocp-express-4.2.0-100000042023073111.el7-ccec08112a29067633797d20685b6e6d70e890d9 [2023-12-20 10:51:06.206] [DEBUG] - Searching get_standbys plugin for components ... [2023-12-20 10:51:06.206] [DEBUG] - Searching get_standbys plugin for oceanbase-ce- [2023-12-20 10:51:06.207] [DEBUG] - Found for oceanbase-ce-py_script_get_standbys- for oceanbase-ce- [2023-12-20 10:51:06.207] [DEBUG] - Searching get_standbys plugin for obproxy-ce- [2023-12-20 10:51:06.207] [DEBUG] - No such get_standbys plugin for obproxy-ce- [2023-12-20 10:51:06.207] [DEBUG] - Searching get_standbys plugin for obagent-4.2.1-100000122023103020.el7-c08058fef64b2dc6b5e2f99748fbd76fe872e356 [2023-12-20 10:51:06.207] [DEBUG] - No such get_standbys plugin for obagent-4.2.1 [2023-12-20 10:51:06.207] [DEBUG] - Searching get_standbys plugin for ocp-express-4.2.0-100000042023073111.el7-ccec08112a29067633797d20685b6e6d70e890d9 [2023-12-20 10:51:06.208] [DEBUG] - No such get_standbys plugin for ocp-express-4.2.0 [2023-12-20 10:51:06.208] [DEBUG] - Searching get_relation_tenants plugin for components ... [2023-12-20 10:51:06.208] [DEBUG] - Searching get_relation_tenants plugin for oceanbase-ce- [2023-12-20 10:51:06.208] [DEBUG] - Found for oceanbase-ce-py_script_get_relation_tenants- for oceanbase-ce- [2023-12-20 10:51:06.208] [DEBUG] - Searching get_relation_tenants plugin for obproxy-ce- [2023-12-20 10:51:06.208] [DEBUG] - No such get_relation_tenants plugin for obproxy-ce- [2023-12-20 10:51:06.208] [DEBUG] - Searching get_relation_tenants plugin for obagent-4.2.1-100000122023103020.el7-c08058fef64b2dc6b5e2f99748fbd76fe872e356 [2023-12-20 10:51:06.209] [DEBUG] - No such get_relation_tenants plugin for obagent-4.2.1 [2023-12-20 10:51:06.209] [DEBUG] - Searching get_relation_tenants plugin for ocp-express-4.2.0-100000042023073111.el7-ccec08112a29067633797d20685b6e6d70e890d9 [2023-12-20 10:51:06.209] [DEBUG] - No such get_relation_tenants plugin for ocp-express-4.2.0 [2023-12-20 10:51:06.209] [DEBUG] - Searching get_deployment_connections plugin for components ... [2023-12-20 10:51:06.209] [DEBUG] - Searching get_deployment_connections plugin for oceanbase-ce- [2023-12-20 10:51:06.209] [DEBUG] - Found for oceanbase-ce-py_script_get_deployment_connections- for oceanbase-ce- [2023-12-20 10:51:06.209] [DEBUG] - Searching get_deployment_connections plugin for obproxy-ce- [2023-12-20 10:51:06.210] [DEBUG] - No such get_deployment_connections plugin for obproxy-ce- [2023-12-20 10:51:06.210] [DEBUG] - Searching get_deployment_connections plugin for obagent-4.2.1-100000122023103020.el7-c08058fef64b2dc6b5e2f99748fbd76fe872e356 [2023-12-20 10:51:06.210] [DEBUG] - No such get_deployment_connections plugin for obagent-4.2.1 [2023-12-20 10:51:06.210] [DEBUG] - Searching get_deployment_connections plugin for ocp-express-4.2.0-100000042023073111.el7-ccec08112a29067633797d20685b6e6d70e890d9 [2023-12-20 10:51:06.210] [DEBUG] - No such get_deployment_connections plugin for ocp-express-4.2.0 [2023-12-20 10:51:06.210] [DEBUG] - Searching connect plugin for components ... [2023-12-20 10:51:06.210] [DEBUG] - Searching connect plugin for oceanbase-ce- [2023-12-20 10:51:06.211] [DEBUG] - Found for oceanbase-ce-py_script_connect-3.1.0 for oceanbase-ce- [2023-12-20 10:51:06.211] [DEBUG] - Searching connect plugin for obproxy-ce- [2023-12-20 10:51:06.211] [DEBUG] - Found for obproxy-ce-py_script_connect-3.1.0 for obproxy-ce- [2023-12-20 10:51:06.211] [DEBUG] - Searching connect plugin for obagent-4.2.1-100000122023103020.el7-c08058fef64b2dc6b5e2f99748fbd76fe872e356 [2023-12-20 10:51:06.211] [DEBUG] - Found for obagent-py_script_connect-1.3.0 for obagent-4.2.1 [2023-12-20 10:51:06.211] [DEBUG] - Searching connect plugin for ocp-express-4.2.0-100000042023073111.el7-ccec08112a29067633797d20685b6e6d70e890d9 [2023-12-20 10:51:06.212] [DEBUG] - Found for ocp-express-py_script_connect-1.0.1 for ocp-express-4.2.0 [2023-12-20 10:51:06.212] [INFO] Open ssh connection [2023-12-20 10:51:06.213] [DEBUG] - host:, port: 22, user: admin, password: Sz@2023 [2023-12-20 10:51:06.449] [DEBUG] - host:, port: 22, user: admin, password: Sz@2023 [2023-12-20 10:51:06.665] [DEBUG] - host:, port: 22, user: admin, password: Sz@2023 [2023-12-20 10:51:06.910] [DEBUG] - host:, port: 22, user: admin, password: Sz@2023 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.153] [DEBUG] - host:, port: 22, user: admin, password: Sz@2023 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.388] [DEBUG] - Call oceanbase-ce-py_script_get_relation_tenants- for oceanbase-ce- [2023-12-20 10:51:07.389] [DEBUG] - import get_relation_tenants [2023-12-20 10:51:07.390] [DEBUG] - add get_relation_tenants ref count to 1 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.390] [DEBUG] - exclusive lock `/home/admin/.obd/lock/deploy_observer`, count 2 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.439] [DEBUG] - sub get_relation_tenants ref count to 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.439] [DEBUG] - export get_relation_tenants [2023-12-20 10:51:07.439] [DEBUG] - Call oceanbase-ce-py_script_get_deployment_connections- for oceanbase-ce- [2023-12-20 10:51:07.439] [DEBUG] - import get_deployment_connections [2023-12-20 10:51:07.440] [DEBUG] - add get_deployment_connections ref count to 1 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.441] [INFO] Get deployment connections [2023-12-20 10:51:07.572] [DEBUG] - sub get_deployment_connections ref count to 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.572] [DEBUG] - export get_deployment_connections [2023-12-20 10:51:07.573] [DEBUG] - Call oceanbase-ce-py_script_get_standbys- for oceanbase-ce- [2023-12-20 10:51:07.573] [DEBUG] - import get_standbys [2023-12-20 10:51:07.574] [DEBUG] - add get_standbys ref count to 1 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.575] [INFO] Get standbys info [2023-12-20 10:51:07.706] [DEBUG] - sub get_standbys ref count to 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.706] [DEBUG] - export get_standbys [2023-12-20 10:51:07.706] [DEBUG] - search target version [2023-12-20 10:51:07.707] [DEBUG] - mkdir /home/admin/.obd/mirror [2023-12-20 10:51:07.707] [DEBUG] - mkdir /home/admin/.obd/mirror/remote [2023-12-20 10:51:07.707] [DEBUG] - mkdir /home/admin/.obd/mirror/local [2023-12-20 10:51:07.707] [DEBUG] - try to get exclusive lock /home/admin/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo [2023-12-20 10:51:07.707] [DEBUG] - exclusive lock `/home/admin/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo`, count 1 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.707] [DEBUG] - exclusive lock `/home/admin/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo`, count 2 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.708] [DEBUG] - load repo config: /home/admin/.obd/mirror/remote/OceanBase.repo [2023-12-20 10:51:07.708] [DEBUG] - open /home/admin/.obd/mirror/remote/OceanBase.repo for r [2023-12-20 10:51:07.709] [DEBUG] - exclusive lock `/home/admin/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo`, count 3 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.709] [DEBUG] - md5 is None [2023-12-20 10:51:07.709] [DEBUG] - name is ocp-express [2023-12-20 10:51:07.709] [DEBUG] - arch is ['ia32e', 'x86_64', 'athlon', 'i686', 'i586', 'i486', 'i386', 'noarch'] [2023-12-20 10:51:07.709] [DEBUG] - release is None [2023-12-20 10:51:07.710] [DEBUG] - version is 4.2.1. [2023-12-20 10:51:07.710] [DEBUG] - share lock `/home/admin/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo`, count 5 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.710] [DEBUG] - mkdir /home/admin/.obd/repository/ocp-express [2023-12-20 10:51:07.715] [INFO] +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ [2023-12-20 10:51:07.715] [INFO] | Search ocp-express 4.2.1 Result | [2023-12-20 10:51:07.715] [INFO] +-------------+---------+------------------------+--------+------------------------------------------+ [2023-12-20 10:51:07.715] [INFO] | name | version | release | arch | md5 | [2023-12-20 10:51:07.715] [INFO] +-------------+---------+------------------------+--------+------------------------------------------+ [2023-12-20 10:51:07.715] [INFO] | ocp-express | 4.2.1 | 100000222023111619.el7 | x86_64 | c69fe1fe0ec0d1a4e14f75468ccda4d0a7ca8d28 | [2023-12-20 10:51:07.716] [INFO] +-------------+---------+------------------------+--------+------------------------------------------+ [2023-12-20 10:51:07.716] [DEBUG] - Usable c69fe1fe0ec0d1a4e14f75468ccda4d0a7ca8d28 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.716] [DEBUG] - exclusive lock `/home/admin/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo`, count 4 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.716] [DEBUG] - exclusive lock `/home/admin/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo`, count 5 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.716] [DEBUG] - load repo config: /home/admin/.obd/mirror/remote/OceanBase.repo [2023-12-20 10:51:07.716] [DEBUG] - exclusive lock `/home/admin/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo`, count 6 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.716] [DEBUG] - md5 is c69fe1fe0ec0d1a4e14f75468ccda4d0a7ca8d28 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.716] [DEBUG] - MirrorRepositoryType.LOCAL mirror local found pkg: name: ocp-express [2023-12-20 10:51:07.716] [DEBUG] version: 4.2.1 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.716] [DEBUG] release:100000222023111619.el7 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.716] [DEBUG] arch: x86_64 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.717] [DEBUG] md5: c69fe1fe0ec0d1a4e14f75468ccda4d0a7ca8d28 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.717] [DEBUG] - get RPM package by name: ocp-express [2023-12-20 10:51:07.717] [DEBUG] version: 4.2.1 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.717] [DEBUG] release:100000222023111619.el7 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.717] [DEBUG] arch: x86_64 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.717] [DEBUG] md5: c69fe1fe0ec0d1a4e14f75468ccda4d0a7ca8d28 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.717] [DEBUG] - Searching install plugin for components ... [2023-12-20 10:51:07.718] [DEBUG] - Searching install plugin for components ... [2023-12-20 10:51:07.718] [DEBUG] - Search install plugin for ocp-express [2023-12-20 10:51:07.718] [DEBUG] - Found for ocp-express-install-1.0 for ocp-express-4.2.1 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.718] [DEBUG] - exclusive lock `/home/admin/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo`, count 7 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.718] [DEBUG] - mkdir /home/admin/.obd/repository/ocp-express/4.2.1/c69fe1fe0ec0d1a4e14f75468ccda4d0a7ca8d28 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.722] [DEBUG] - create instance repository for ocp-express-4.2.1 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.726] [DEBUG] - ocp-express-4.2.1 is already install [2023-12-20 10:51:07.727] [INFO] Cluster status check [2023-12-20 10:51:07.727] [DEBUG] - Searching status plugin for components ... [2023-12-20 10:51:07.728] [DEBUG] - Searching status plugin for ocp-express-4.2.1-100000222023111619.el7-c69fe1fe0ec0d1a4e14f75468ccda4d0a7ca8d28 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.728] [DEBUG] - Found for ocp-express-py_script_status-1.0 for ocp-express-4.2.1 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.728] [DEBUG] - Call ocp-express-py_script_status-1.0 for ocp-express-4.2.1-100000222023111619.el7-c69fe1fe0ec0d1a4e14f75468ccda4d0a7ca8d28 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.728] [DEBUG] - import status [2023-12-20 10:51:07.729] [DEBUG] - add status ref count to 1 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.729] [DEBUG] -- admin@ execute: cat /data/obdata/ocp-server/run/ocp-express.pid [2023-12-20 10:51:07.751] [DEBUG] -- exited code 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.752] [DEBUG] -- admin@ execute: ls /proc/204219 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.813] [DEBUG] -- exited code 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.814] [DEBUG] - sub status ref count to 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.814] [DEBUG] - export status [2023-12-20 10:51:07.859] [DEBUG] - Searching start_check plugin for components ... [2023-12-20 10:51:07.859] [DEBUG] - Searching start_check plugin for ocp-express-4.2.1-100000222023111619.el7-c69fe1fe0ec0d1a4e14f75468ccda4d0a7ca8d28 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.860] [DEBUG] - Found for ocp-express-py_script_start_check-4.2.1 for ocp-express-4.2.1 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.860] [DEBUG] - Call ocp-express-py_script_start_check-4.2.1 for ocp-express-4.2.1-100000222023111619.el7-c69fe1fe0ec0d1a4e14f75468ccda4d0a7ca8d28 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.860] [DEBUG] - import start_check [2023-12-20 10:51:07.865] [DEBUG] - add start_check ref count to 1 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.866] [INFO] Check before start ocp-express [2023-12-20 10:51:07.870] [DEBUG] -- admin@ execute: cat /data/obdata/ocp-server/run/ocp-express.pid [2023-12-20 10:51:07.895] [DEBUG] -- exited code 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.895] [DEBUG] -- admin@ execute: ls /proc/204219 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.959] [DEBUG] -- exited code 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:07.959] [DEBUG] -- server5( is running, skip [2023-12-20 10:51:07.959] [DEBUG] -- admin@ execute: java -version [2023-12-20 10:51:08.104] [DEBUG] -- exited code 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:08.105] [DEBUG] -- admin@ execute: cat /proc/meminfo [2023-12-20 10:51:08.167] [DEBUG] -- exited code 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:08.168] [DEBUG] -- admin@ execute: df --block-size=1024 [2023-12-20 10:51:08.229] [DEBUG] -- exited code 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:08.229] [DEBUG] -- get disk info for path /, total: 37688381440 avail: 12028092416 [2023-12-20 10:51:08.230] [DEBUG] -- get disk info for path /dev, total: 12523884544 avail: 12523884544 [2023-12-20 10:51:08.230] [DEBUG] -- get disk info for path /dev/shm, total: 12536074240 avail: 12535934976 [2023-12-20 10:51:08.230] [DEBUG] -- get disk info for path /run, total: 12536074240 avail: 11266437120 [2023-12-20 10:51:08.230] [DEBUG] -- get disk info for path /sys/fs/cgroup, total: 12536074240 avail: 12536074240 [2023-12-20 10:51:08.230] [DEBUG] -- get disk info for path /data, total: 1082119344128 avail: 541649903616 [2023-12-20 10:51:08.230] [DEBUG] -- get disk info for path /boot, total: 1063256064 avail: 889712640 [2023-12-20 10:51:08.230] [DEBUG] -- get disk info for path /run/user/1001, total: 2507214848 avail: 2507214848 [2023-12-20 10:51:08.230] [DEBUG] -- get disk info for path /tmp/memory, total: 10737418240 avail: 3221225472 [2023-12-20 10:51:08.230] [DEBUG] -- get disk info for path /run/user/0, total: 2507214848 avail: 2507214848 [2023-12-20 10:51:08.230] [DEBUG] -- admin@ execute: df --block-size=1024 /data/obdata/ocp-server/log [2023-12-20 10:51:08.290] [DEBUG] -- exited code 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:08.291] [DEBUG] -- get disk info for path /data, total: 1082119344128 avail: 541649903616 [2023-12-20 10:51:08.393] [DEBUG] - sub start_check ref count to 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:08.393] [DEBUG] - export start_check [2023-12-20 10:51:08.393] [DEBUG] - Searching upgrade_route plugin for components ... [2023-12-20 10:51:08.393] [DEBUG] - Searching upgrade_route plugin for ocp-express-4.2.1-100000222023111619.el7-c69fe1fe0ec0d1a4e14f75468ccda4d0a7ca8d28 [2023-12-20 10:51:08.393] [WARNING] No such upgrade_route plugin for ocp-express-4.2.1 [2023-12-20 10:51:08.394] [DEBUG] - Searching upgrade_check plugin for components ... [2023-12-20 10:51:08.394] [DEBUG] - Searching upgrade_check plugin for ocp-express-4.2.0-100000042023073111.el7-ccec08112a29067633797d20685b6e6d70e890d9 [2023-12-20 10:51:08.394] [DEBUG] - Found for ocp-express-py_script_upgrade_check-1.0 for ocp-express-4.2.0 [2023-12-20 10:51:08.395] [DEBUG] - Searching upgrade_check plugin for ocp-express-4.2.1-100000222023111619.el7-c69fe1fe0ec0d1a4e14f75468ccda4d0a7ca8d28 [2023-12-20 10:51:08.395] [DEBUG] - Found for ocp-express-py_script_upgrade_check-1.0 for ocp-express-4.2.1 [2023-12-20 10:51:08.395] [DEBUG] - Searching connect plugin for components ... [2023-12-20 10:51:08.395] [DEBUG] - Searching connect plugin for ocp-express-4.2.0-100000042023073111.el7-ccec08112a29067633797d20685b6e6d70e890d9 [2023-12-20 10:51:08.395] [DEBUG] - Found for ocp-express-py_script_connect-1.0.1 for ocp-express-4.2.0 [2023-12-20 10:51:08.395] [DEBUG] - Searching connect plugin for ocp-express-4.2.1-100000222023111619.el7-c69fe1fe0ec0d1a4e14f75468ccda4d0a7ca8d28 [2023-12-20 10:51:08.395] [DEBUG] - Found for ocp-express-py_script_connect-1.0.1 for ocp-express-4.2.1 [2023-12-20 10:51:08.395] [DEBUG] - Call ocp-express-py_script_connect-1.0.1 for ocp-express-4.2.0-100000042023073111.el7-ccec08112a29067633797d20685b6e6d70e890d9 [2023-12-20 10:51:08.396] [DEBUG] - import connect [2023-12-20 10:51:08.397] [DEBUG] - add connect ref count to 1 [2023-12-20 10:51:08.397] [INFO] Connect to ocp-express [2023-12-20 10:51:08.398] [DEBUG] -- connect ocp-express ( by user system) [2023-12-20 10:51:08.398] [DEBUG] -- send http request method: GET, url:, data: None [2023-12-20 10:51:08.531] [DEBUG] - sub connect ref count to 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:08.531] [DEBUG] - export connect [2023-12-20 10:51:08.531] [DEBUG] - Call ocp-express-py_script_upgrade_check-1.0 for ocp-express-4.2.0-100000042023073111.el7-ccec08112a29067633797d20685b6e6d70e890d9 [2023-12-20 10:51:08.531] [DEBUG] - import upgrade_check [2023-12-20 10:51:08.532] [DEBUG] - add upgrade_check ref count to 1 [2023-12-20 10:51:08.532] [DEBUG] - sub upgrade_check ref count to 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:08.532] [DEBUG] - export upgrade_check [2023-12-20 10:51:08.534] [INFO] +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ [2023-12-20 10:51:08.534] [INFO] | Packages Will Be Used | [2023-12-20 10:51:08.534] [INFO] +-------------+---------+------------------------+--------+------------------------------------------+-------+ [2023-12-20 10:51:08.534] [INFO] | name | version | release | arch | md5 | mark | [2023-12-20 10:51:08.534] [INFO] +-------------+---------+------------------------+--------+------------------------------------------+-------+ [2023-12-20 10:51:08.534] [INFO] | ocp-express | 4.2.0 | 100000042023073111.el7 | x86_64 | ccec08112a29067633797d20685b6e6d70e890d9 | start | [2023-12-20 10:51:08.534] [INFO] | ocp-express | 4.2.1 | 100000222023111619.el7 | x86_64 | c69fe1fe0ec0d1a4e14f75468ccda4d0a7ca8d28 | dest | [2023-12-20 10:51:08.534] [INFO] +-------------+---------+------------------------+--------+------------------------------------------+-------+ [2023-12-20 10:51:08.534] [INFO] If you use a non-official release, we cannot guarantee a successful upgrade or technical support when you fail. Make sure that you want to use the above package to upgrade. [y/n]: [2023-12-20 10:51:22.307] [DEBUG] - dump upgrade meta data to /home/admin/.obd/cluster/observer/.upgrade [2023-12-20 10:51:22.311] [DEBUG] - dump deploy info to /home/admin/.obd/cluster/observer/.data [2023-12-20 10:51:22.315] [DEBUG] - Searching install plugin for components ... [2023-12-20 10:51:22.315] [DEBUG] - Search install plugin for ocp-express [2023-12-20 10:51:22.316] [DEBUG] - Found for ocp-express-install-1.0 for ocp-express-4.2.0 [2023-12-20 10:51:22.316] [DEBUG] - Search install plugin for ocp-express [2023-12-20 10:51:22.316] [DEBUG] - Found for ocp-express-install-1.0 for ocp-express-4.2.1 [2023-12-20 10:51:22.316] [DEBUG] - Searching install plugin for components ... [2023-12-20 10:51:22.316] [DEBUG] - Searching upgrade plugin for components ... [2023-12-20 10:51:22.316] [DEBUG] - Searching upgrade plugin for ocp-express-4.2.1-100000222023111619.el7-c69fe1fe0ec0d1a4e14f75468ccda4d0a7ca8d28 [2023-12-20 10:51:22.317] [DEBUG] - Found for ocp-express-py_script_upgrade-1.0.1 for ocp-express-4.2.1 [2023-12-20 10:51:22.317] [DEBUG] - Call ocp-express-py_script_upgrade-1.0.1 for ocp-express-4.2.1-100000222023111619.el7-c69fe1fe0ec0d1a4e14f75468ccda4d0a7ca8d28 [2023-12-20 10:51:22.317] [DEBUG] - import upgrade [2023-12-20 10:51:22.318] [DEBUG] - add upgrade ref count to 1 [2023-12-20 10:51:22.318] [DEBUG] - Searching stop plugin for components ... [2023-12-20 10:51:22.318] [DEBUG] - Searching stop plugin for ocp-express-4.2.0-100000042023073111.el7-ccec08112a29067633797d20685b6e6d70e890d9 [2023-12-20 10:51:22.319] [DEBUG] - Found for ocp-express-py_script_stop-1.0 for ocp-express-4.2.0 [2023-12-20 10:51:22.319] [DEBUG] - Searching start plugin for components ... [2023-12-20 10:51:22.319] [DEBUG] - Searching start plugin for ocp-express-4.2.1-100000222023111619.el7-c69fe1fe0ec0d1a4e14f75468ccda4d0a7ca8d28 [2023-12-20 10:51:22.319] [DEBUG] - Found for ocp-express-py_script_start-4.2.1 for ocp-express-4.2.1 [2023-12-20 10:51:22.319] [DEBUG] - Searching connect plugin for components ... [2023-12-20 10:51:22.320] [DEBUG] - Searching connect plugin for ocp-express-4.2.1-100000222023111619.el7-c69fe1fe0ec0d1a4e14f75468ccda4d0a7ca8d28 [2023-12-20 10:51:22.320] [DEBUG] - Found for ocp-express-py_script_connect-1.0.1 for ocp-express-4.2.1 [2023-12-20 10:51:22.320] [DEBUG] - Searching display plugin for components ... [2023-12-20 10:51:22.320] [DEBUG] - Searching display plugin for ocp-express-4.2.1-100000222023111619.el7-c69fe1fe0ec0d1a4e14f75468ccda4d0a7ca8d28 [2023-12-20 10:51:22.320] [DEBUG] - Found for ocp-express-py_script_display-1.0.1 for ocp-express-4.2.1 [2023-12-20 10:51:22.321] [DEBUG] - Searching param plugin for components ... [2023-12-20 10:51:22.321] [DEBUG] - Search param plugin for ocp-express [2023-12-20 10:51:22.321] [DEBUG] - Found for ocp-express-param-4.1.0 for ocp-express-4.2.0 [2023-12-20 10:51:22.321] [DEBUG] - Applying ocp-express-param-4.1.0 for ocp-express-4.2.0-100000042023073111.el7-ccec08112a29067633797d20685b6e6d70e890d9 [2023-12-20 10:51:22.321] [DEBUG] -- import stop [2023-12-20 10:51:22.322] [DEBUG] -- add stop ref count to 1 [2023-12-20 10:51:22.322] [INFO] Stop ocp-express [2023-12-20 10:51:22.323] [DEBUG] --- admin@ execute: cat /data/obdata/ocp-server/run/ocp-express.pid [2023-12-20 10:51:22.344] [DEBUG] --- exited code 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:22.344] [DEBUG] --- admin@ execute: ls /proc/204219 [2023-12-20 10:51:22.406] [DEBUG] --- exited code 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:22.407] [DEBUG] --- admin@ execute: ls /proc/204219/fd [2023-12-20 10:51:22.468] [DEBUG] --- exited code 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:22.468] [DEBUG] --- server5( ocp-express[pid: 204219] stopping... [2023-12-20 10:51:22.469] [DEBUG] --- admin@ execute: kill -9 204219 [2023-12-20 10:51:22.528] [DEBUG] --- exited code 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:23.529] [DEBUG] --- server5( check whether the port is released [2023-12-20 10:51:23.529] [DEBUG] --- admin@ execute: bash -c 'cat /proc/net/{tcp*,udp*}' | awk -F' ' '{print $2,$10}' | grep '00000000:1FF4' | awk -F' ' '{print $2}' | uniq [2023-12-20 10:51:23.556] [DEBUG] --- exited code 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:23.556] [DEBUG] --- admin@ execute: rm -rf /data/obdata/ocp-server/run/ocp-express.pid [2023-12-20 10:51:23.618] [DEBUG] --- exited code 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:23.618] [DEBUG] --- server5( ocp-express is stopped [2023-12-20 10:51:23.627] [DEBUG] -- sub stop ref count to 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:23.627] [DEBUG] -- export stop [2023-12-20 10:51:23.628] [DEBUG] - Searching install plugin for components ... [2023-12-20 10:51:23.628] [DEBUG] - Search install plugin for ocp-express [2023-12-20 10:51:23.628] [DEBUG] - Found for ocp-express-install-1.0 for ocp-express-4.2.1 [2023-12-20 10:51:23.628] [DEBUG] - Call general-py_script_install_repo-0.1 for ocp-express-4.2.1-100000222023111619.el7-c69fe1fe0ec0d1a4e14f75468ccda4d0a7ca8d28 [2023-12-20 10:51:23.628] [DEBUG] - import install_repo [2023-12-20 10:51:23.630] [DEBUG] - add install_repo ref count to 1 [2023-12-20 10:51:23.631] [INFO] Remote ocp-express-4.2.1-100000222023111619.el7-c69fe1fe0ec0d1a4e14f75468ccda4d0a7ca8d28 repository install [2023-12-20 10:51:23.631] [DEBUG] -- Remote ocp-express-4.2.1-100000222023111619.el7-c69fe1fe0ec0d1a4e14f75468ccda4d0a7ca8d28 repository integrity check [2023-12-20 10:51:23.631] [DEBUG] -- server5( ocp-express-4.2.1-100000222023111619.el7-c69fe1fe0ec0d1a4e14f75468ccda4d0a7ca8d28 repository integrity check [2023-12-20 10:51:23.631] [DEBUG] -- admin@ execute: echo ${OBD_HOME:-"$HOME"}/.obd [2023-12-20 10:51:23.680] [DEBUG] -- exited code 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:23.681] [DEBUG] -- admin@ execute: cat /home/admin/.obd/repository/ocp-express/4.2.1/c69fe1fe0ec0d1a4e14f75468ccda4d0a7ca8d28/.data [2023-12-20 10:51:23.743] [DEBUG] -- exited code 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:23.744] [DEBUG] -- server5( ocp-express-4.2.1-100000222023111619.el7-c69fe1fe0ec0d1a4e14f75468ccda4d0a7ca8d28 install check [2023-12-20 10:51:23.747] [DEBUG] -- server5( ocp-express-4.2.1-100000222023111619.el7-c69fe1fe0ec0d1a4e14f75468ccda4d0a7ca8d28 has installed [2023-12-20 10:51:23.747] [DEBUG] -- admin@ set env _repo_dir to '/home/admin/.obd/repository/ocp-express/4.2.1/c69fe1fe0ec0d1a4e14f75468ccda4d0a7ca8d28' [2023-12-20 10:51:23.748] [DEBUG] -- admin@ set env _home_path to '/data/obdata/ocp-server' [2023-12-20 10:51:23.748] [DEBUG] -- admin@ execute: mkdir -p ${_home_path} && cd ${_repo_dir} && find -type d | xargs -i mkdir -p ${_home_path}/{} [2023-12-20 10:51:23.814] [DEBUG] -- exited code 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:23.815] [DEBUG] -- admin@ set env source to '/home/admin/.obd/repository/ocp-express/4.2.1/c69fe1fe0ec0d1a4e14f75468ccda4d0a7ca8d28/lib/ocp-express-server.jar' [2023-12-20 10:51:23.815] [DEBUG] -- admin@ set env target to '/data/obdata/ocp-server/lib/ocp-express-server.jar' [2023-12-20 10:51:23.815] [DEBUG] -- admin@ execute: ln -fs ${source} ${target} [2023-12-20 10:51:23.877] [DEBUG] -- exited code 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:23.878] [DEBUG] -- admin@ set env source to '/home/admin/.obd/repository/ocp-express/4.2.1/c69fe1fe0ec0d1a4e14f75468ccda4d0a7ca8d28/conf' [2023-12-20 10:51:23.878] [DEBUG] -- admin@ set env target to '/data/obdata/ocp-server/conf' [2023-12-20 10:51:23.878] [DEBUG] -- admin@ execute: ls -1 ${source} [2023-12-20 10:51:23.941] [DEBUG] -- exited code 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:23.942] [DEBUG] -- admin@ execute: cd ${source} && find -type f | xargs -i ln -fs ${source}/{} ${target}/{} [2023-12-20 10:51:24.012] [DEBUG] -- exited code 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:24.012] [DEBUG] -- admin@ execute: cd ${source} && find -type l | xargs -i ln -fs ${source}/{} ${target}/{} [2023-12-20 10:51:24.076] [DEBUG] -- exited code 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:24.154] [INFO] Remote ocp-express-4.2.1-100000222023111619.el7-c69fe1fe0ec0d1a4e14f75468ccda4d0a7ca8d28 repository lib check [2023-12-20 10:51:24.155] [DEBUG] -- server5( ocp-express-4.2.1-100000222023111619.el7-c69fe1fe0ec0d1a4e14f75468ccda4d0a7ca8d28 repository lib check [2023-12-20 10:51:24.155] [DEBUG] -- admin@ set env LD_LIBRARY_PATH to '/data/obdata/ocp-server/lib:' [2023-12-20 10:51:24.155] [DEBUG] -- admin@ set env LD_LIBRARY_PATH to '' [2023-12-20 10:51:24.286] [DEBUG] - sub install_repo ref count to 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:24.286] [DEBUG] - export install_repo [2023-12-20 10:51:24.286] [DEBUG] - Searching param plugin for components ... [2023-12-20 10:51:24.286] [DEBUG] - Search param plugin for ocp-express [2023-12-20 10:51:24.286] [DEBUG] - Found for ocp-express-param-4.1.0 for ocp-express-4.2.1 [2023-12-20 10:51:24.287] [DEBUG] - Applying ocp-express-param-4.1.0 for ocp-express-4.2.1-100000222023111619.el7-c69fe1fe0ec0d1a4e14f75468ccda4d0a7ca8d28 [2023-12-20 10:51:24.287] [DEBUG] -- import start [2023-12-20 10:51:24.419] [DEBUG] -- add start ref count to 1 [2023-12-20 10:51:24.431] [INFO] Start ocp-express [2023-12-20 10:51:24.432] [DEBUG] --- admin@ execute: cat /data/obdata/ocp-server/run/ocp-express.pid [2023-12-20 10:51:24.457] [DEBUG] --- exited code 1, error output: [2023-12-20 10:51:24.458] [DEBUG] cat: /data/obdata/ocp-server/run/ocp-express.pid: 没有那个文件或目录 [2023-12-20 10:51:24.458] [DEBUG] [2023-12-20 10:51:24.458] [DEBUG] --- connect -P2883 -uocp_user@ocp_mate -pocp_passwd [2023-12-20 10:51:24.462] [DEBUG] --- admin@ set env OCP_EXPRESS_INIT_PROPERTIES to ''{"cluster": {"name": "obcluster", "obClusterId": 1703039690, "rootSysPassword": "TvP4hYn24UZx5XuYHfVT", "serverAddresses": [{"address": "", "svrPort": 2882, "sqlPort": 2881, "withRootServer": true, "agentMgrPort": 8089, "agentMonPort": 8088}, {"address": "", "svrPort": 2882, "sqlPort": 2881, "withRootServer": true, "agentMgrPort": 8089, "agentMonPort": 8088}, {"address": "", "svrPort": 2882, "sqlPort": 2881, "withRootServer": true, "agentMgrPort": 8089, "agentMonPort": 8088}]}, "agentUsername": "admin", "agentPassword": "1xtJAYdcCL", "agentAuthType": "OCP_DIGEST"}'' [2023-12-20 10:51:24.463] [DEBUG] --- admin@ set env OCP_EXPRESS_ADMIN_PASSWD to '')g9SN8q.'' [2023-12-20 10:51:24.463] [DEBUG] --- admin@ set env JDBC_PASSWORD to ''ocp_passwd'' [2023-12-20 10:51:24.463] [DEBUG] --- admin@ execute: cd /data/obdata/ocp-server; bash -c 'java -jar -Xms512m -Xmx512m -DJDBC_URL=jdbc:oceanbase:// -DJDBC_USERNAME=ocp_user@ocp_mate -DPUBLIC_KEY= /data/obdata/ocp-server/lib/ocp-express-server.jar --port=8180 --bootstrap --progress-log=/data/obdata/ocp-server/log/bootstrap.log --with-property=logging.file.max-size:100MB --with-property=logging.file.total-size-cap:1GB --with-property=logging.file.name:/data/obdata/ocp-server/log/ocp-express.log > /dev/null 2>&1 &' [2023-12-20 10:51:24.522] [DEBUG] --- exited code 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:24.523] [DEBUG] --- admin@ execute: ps -aux | grep 'java -jar -Xms512m -Xmx512m -DJDBC_URL=jdbc:oceanbase:// -DJDBC_USERNAME=ocp_user@ocp_mate -DPUBLIC_KEY= /data/obdata/ocp-server/lib/ocp-express-server.jar --port=8180 --bootstrap --progress-log=/data/obdata/ocp-server/log/bootstrap.log --with-property=logging.file.max-size:100MB --with-property=logging.file.total-size-cap:1GB --with-property=logging.file.name:/data/obdata/ocp-server/log/ocp-express.log' | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' [2023-12-20 10:51:24.608] [DEBUG] --- exited code 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:24.609] [DEBUG] --- write 206517 to admin@ /data/obdata/ocp-server/run/ocp-express.pid [2023-12-20 10:51:24.695] [DEBUG] - current remote_transporter RemoteTransporter.CLIENT [2023-12-20 10:51:24.696] [DEBUG] --- admin@ execute: mkdir -p /data/obdata/ocp-server/run && rm -fr /data/obdata/ocp-server/run/ocp-express.pid [2023-12-20 10:51:24.725] [DEBUG] --- exited code 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:24.726] [DEBUG] --- send /tmp/tmpa3wfylkc to /data/obdata/ocp-server/run/ocp-express.pid [2023-12-20 10:51:24.770] [DEBUG] - admin@ execute: chmod 600 /data/obdata/ocp-server/run/ocp-express.pid [2023-12-20 10:51:24.801] [DEBUG] - exited code 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:24.827] [INFO] ocp-express program health check [2023-12-20 10:51:24.828] [DEBUG] --- server5( program health check [2023-12-20 10:51:24.828] [DEBUG] --- admin@ execute: ls /proc/206517 [2023-12-20 10:51:24.876] [DEBUG] --- exited code 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:24.877] [DEBUG] --- admin@ execute: bash -c 'cat /proc/net/{tcp*,udp*}' | awk -F' ' '{print $2,$10}' | grep '00000000:1FF4' | awk -F' ' '{print $2}' | uniq [2023-12-20 10:51:24.948] [DEBUG] --- exited code 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:24.948] [DEBUG] --- failed to start server5( ocp-express, remaining retries: 199 [2023-12-20 10:51:27.951] [DEBUG] --- server5( program health check [2023-12-20 10:51:27.952] [DEBUG] --- admin@ execute: ls /proc/206517 [2023-12-20 10:51:27.981] [DEBUG] --- exited code 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:27.982] [DEBUG] --- admin@ execute: bash -c 'cat /proc/net/{tcp*,udp*}' | awk -F' ' '{print $2,$10}' | grep '00000000:1FF4' | awk -F' ' '{print $2}' | uniq [2023-12-20 10:51:28.051] [DEBUG] --- exited code 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:28.051] [DEBUG] --- failed to start server5( ocp-express, remaining retries: 198 [2023-12-20 10:51:31.054] [DEBUG] --- server5( program health check [2023-12-20 10:51:31.055] [DEBUG] --- admin@ execute: ls /proc/206517 [2023-12-20 10:51:31.079] [DEBUG] --- exited code 2, error output: [2023-12-20 10:51:31.079] [DEBUG] ls: 无法访问/proc/206517: 没有那个文件或目录 [2023-12-20 10:51:31.079] [DEBUG] [2023-12-20 10:51:31.121] [ERROR] failed to start server5( ocp-express [2023-12-20 10:51:31.122] [DEBUG] -- sub start ref count to 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:31.122] [DEBUG] -- export start [2023-12-20 10:51:31.122] [DEBUG] - sub upgrade ref count to 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:31.122] [DEBUG] - export upgrade [2023-12-20 10:51:31.123] [DEBUG] - dump upgrade meta data to /home/admin/.obd/cluster/observer/.upgrade [2023-12-20 10:51:31.137] [INFO] See https://www.oceanbase.com/product/ob-deployer/error-codes . [2023-12-20 10:51:31.138] [INFO] Trace ID: 9e67db5c-9ee2-11ee-a821-fa163e9e21e4 [2023-12-20 10:51:31.138] [INFO] If you want to view detailed obd logs, please run: obd display-trace 9e67db5c-9ee2-11ee-a821-fa163e9e21e4 [2023-12-20 10:51:31.138] [DEBUG] - exclusive lock /home/admin/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo release, count 6 [2023-12-20 10:51:31.138] [DEBUG] - exclusive lock /home/admin/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo release, count 5 [2023-12-20 10:51:31.138] [DEBUG] - exclusive lock /home/admin/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo release, count 4 [2023-12-20 10:51:31.139] [DEBUG] - exclusive lock /home/admin/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo release, count 3 [2023-12-20 10:51:31.139] [DEBUG] - share lock /home/admin/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo release, count 4 [2023-12-20 10:51:31.139] [DEBUG] - exclusive lock /home/admin/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo release, count 2 [2023-12-20 10:51:31.139] [DEBUG] - exclusive lock /home/admin/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo release, count 1 [2023-12-20 10:51:31.139] [DEBUG] - exclusive lock /home/admin/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo release, count 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:31.139] [DEBUG] - try to get share lock /home/admin/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo [2023-12-20 10:51:31.139] [DEBUG] - exclusive lock /home/admin/.obd/lock/deploy_observer release, count 1 [2023-12-20 10:51:31.139] [DEBUG] - share lock /home/admin/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo release, count 3 [2023-12-20 10:51:31.139] [DEBUG] - share lock /home/admin/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo release, count 2 [2023-12-20 10:51:31.139] [DEBUG] - share lock /home/admin/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo release, count 1 [2023-12-20 10:51:31.139] [DEBUG] - share lock /home/admin/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo release, count 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:31.139] [DEBUG] - unlock /home/admin/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo [2023-12-20 10:51:31.139] [DEBUG] - exclusive lock /home/admin/.obd/lock/deploy_observer release, count 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:31.140] [DEBUG] - unlock /home/admin/.obd/lock/deploy_observer [2023-12-20 10:51:31.140] [DEBUG] - share lock /home/admin/.obd/lock/global release, count 0 [2023-12-20 10:51:31.140] [DEBUG] - unlock /home/admin/.obd/lock/global