[2025-01-20 15:57:39.445] [DEBUG] - cmd: ['demo'] [2025-01-20 15:57:39.445] [DEBUG] - opts: {'servers': None, 'components': None, 'force_delete': None, 'strict_check': None, 'without_parameter': None} [2025-01-20 15:57:39.445] [DEBUG] - mkdir /root/.obd/lock/ [2025-01-20 15:57:39.445] [DEBUG] - unknown lock mode [2025-01-20 15:57:39.445] [DEBUG] - try to get share lock /root/.obd/lock/global [2025-01-20 15:57:39.445] [DEBUG] - share lock `/root/.obd/lock/global`, count 1 [2025-01-20 15:57:39.445] [DEBUG] - Get Deploy by name [2025-01-20 15:57:39.446] [DEBUG] - mkdir /root/.obd/cluster/ [2025-01-20 15:57:39.446] [DEBUG] - mkdir /root/.obd/config_parser/ [2025-01-20 15:57:39.446] [DEBUG] - try to get exclusive lock /root/.obd/lock/deploy_demo [2025-01-20 15:57:39.446] [DEBUG] - exclusive lock `/root/.obd/lock/deploy_demo`, count 1 [2025-01-20 15:57:39.450] [DEBUG] - Deploy status judge [2025-01-20 15:57:39.450] [INFO] Get local repositories [2025-01-20 15:57:39.451] [DEBUG] - mkdir /root/.obd/repository [2025-01-20 15:57:39.451] [DEBUG] - Get local repository oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:39.451] [DEBUG] - Search repository oceanbase-ce version:, tag: 48b61655aaa13e9b01b722928d1979c76b41937e, release: None, package_hash: None [2025-01-20 15:57:39.451] [DEBUG] - try to get share lock /root/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo [2025-01-20 15:57:39.452] [DEBUG] - share lock `/root/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo`, count 1 [2025-01-20 15:57:39.452] [DEBUG] - mkdir /root/.obd/repository/oceanbase-ce [2025-01-20 15:57:39.454] [DEBUG] - Found repository oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:39.582] [DEBUG] - Get deploy config [2025-01-20 15:57:39.598] [INFO] Load cluster param plugin [2025-01-20 15:57:39.599] [DEBUG] - Get local repository oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:39.599] [DEBUG] - Searching param plugin for components ... [2025-01-20 15:57:39.599] [DEBUG] - Search param plugin for oceanbase-ce [2025-01-20 15:57:39.599] [DEBUG] - mkdir /root/.obd/plugins [2025-01-20 15:57:39.600] [DEBUG] - Found for oceanbase-ce-param- for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:39.600] [DEBUG] - Applying oceanbase-ce-param- for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.191] [INFO] Open ssh connection [2025-01-20 15:57:40.332] [DEBUG] - Searching start_check template for components ... [2025-01-20 15:57:40.333] [DEBUG] - mkdir /root/.obd/workflows [2025-01-20 15:57:40.335] [DEBUG] - Call workflow oceanbase-ce-py_script_workflow_start_check- for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.336] [DEBUG] - mkdir /root/.obd/mirror [2025-01-20 15:57:40.336] [DEBUG] - mkdir /root/.obd/mirror/remote [2025-01-20 15:57:40.336] [DEBUG] - mkdir /root/.obd/mirror/local [2025-01-20 15:57:40.337] [DEBUG] - mkdir /root/.obd/optimize/ [2025-01-20 15:57:40.337] [DEBUG] - mkdir /root/.obd/tool/ [2025-01-20 15:57:40.338] [DEBUG] - import start_check [2025-01-20 15:57:40.339] [DEBUG] - add start_check ref count to 1 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.339] [DEBUG] - sub start_check ref count to 0 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.339] [DEBUG] - export start_check [2025-01-20 15:57:40.339] [DEBUG] - plugin oceanbase-ce-py_script_workflow_start_check- result: True [2025-01-20 15:57:40.340] [DEBUG] - Found for oceanbase-ce-py_script_workflow_start_check- for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.340] [DEBUG] - share lock `/root/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo`, count 2 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.344] [DEBUG] - Searching start_check_pre plugin for components ... [2025-01-20 15:57:40.345] [DEBUG] - Searching start_check_pre plugin for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.345] [DEBUG] - Found for oceanbase-ce-py_script_start_check_pre- for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.345] [DEBUG] - Call plugin oceanbase-ce-py_script_start_check_pre- for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.345] [DEBUG] - import start_check_pre [2025-01-20 15:57:40.347] [DEBUG] - add start_check_pre ref count to 1 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.348] [DEBUG] - sub start_check_pre ref count to 0 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.348] [DEBUG] - export start_check_pre [2025-01-20 15:57:40.348] [DEBUG] - plugin oceanbase-ce-py_script_start_check_pre- result: True [2025-01-20 15:57:40.348] [DEBUG] - Searching status_check plugin for components ... [2025-01-20 15:57:40.348] [DEBUG] - Searching status_check plugin for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.349] [DEBUG] - Found for oceanbase-ce-py_script_status_check- for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.349] [DEBUG] - Call plugin oceanbase-ce-py_script_status_check- for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.349] [DEBUG] - import status_check [2025-01-20 15:57:40.350] [DEBUG] - add status_check ref count to 1 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.350] [DEBUG] -- local execute: ls /root/oceanbase-ce/store/clog/tenant_1/ [2025-01-20 15:57:40.361] [DEBUG] -- exited code 2, error output: [2025-01-20 15:57:40.361] [DEBUG] ls: 无法访问'/root/oceanbase-ce/store/clog/tenant_1/': 没有那个文件或目录 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.361] [DEBUG] [2025-01-20 15:57:40.361] [DEBUG] -- local execute: cat /root/oceanbase-ce/run/observer.pid [2025-01-20 15:57:40.368] [DEBUG] -- exited code 1, error output: [2025-01-20 15:57:40.369] [DEBUG] cat: /root/oceanbase-ce/run/observer.pid: 没有那个文件或目录 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.369] [DEBUG] [2025-01-20 15:57:40.369] [DEBUG] - sub status_check ref count to 0 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.369] [DEBUG] - export status_check [2025-01-20 15:57:40.369] [DEBUG] - plugin oceanbase-ce-py_script_status_check- result: True [2025-01-20 15:57:40.369] [DEBUG] - Searching parameter_check plugin for components ... [2025-01-20 15:57:40.369] [DEBUG] - Searching parameter_check plugin for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.370] [DEBUG] - Found for oceanbase-ce-py_script_parameter_check- for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.370] [DEBUG] - Call plugin oceanbase-ce-py_script_parameter_check- for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.370] [DEBUG] - import parameter_check [2025-01-20 15:57:40.372] [DEBUG] - add parameter_check ref count to 1 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.373] [DEBUG] -- local execute: ls /root/oceanbase-ce/store/sstable/block_file [2025-01-20 15:57:40.382] [DEBUG] -- exited code 2, error output: [2025-01-20 15:57:40.382] [DEBUG] ls: 无法访问'/root/oceanbase-ce/store/sstable/block_file': 没有那个文件或目录 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.382] [DEBUG] [2025-01-20 15:57:40.383] [DEBUG] - sub parameter_check ref count to 0 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.383] [DEBUG] - export parameter_check [2025-01-20 15:57:40.383] [DEBUG] - plugin oceanbase-ce-py_script_parameter_check- result: True [2025-01-20 15:57:40.383] [DEBUG] - Searching system_limits_check plugin for components ... [2025-01-20 15:57:40.383] [DEBUG] - Searching system_limits_check plugin for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.384] [DEBUG] - Found for oceanbase-ce-py_script_system_limits_check-3.1.0 for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.384] [DEBUG] - Call plugin oceanbase-ce-py_script_system_limits_check-3.1.0 for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.384] [DEBUG] - import system_limits_check [2025-01-20 15:57:40.386] [DEBUG] - add system_limits_check ref count to 1 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.387] [DEBUG] -- local execute: cat /proc/sys/fs/aio-max-nr /proc/sys/fs/aio-nr [2025-01-20 15:57:40.393] [DEBUG] -- exited code 0 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.393] [DEBUG] -- local execute: ulimit -a [2025-01-20 15:57:40.399] [DEBUG] -- exited code 0 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.400] [DEBUG] -- local execute: sysctl -a [2025-01-20 15:57:40.441] [DEBUG] -- exited code 0 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.455] [DEBUG] - sub system_limits_check ref count to 0 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.455] [DEBUG] - export system_limits_check [2025-01-20 15:57:40.455] [DEBUG] - plugin oceanbase-ce-py_script_system_limits_check-3.1.0 result: True [2025-01-20 15:57:40.456] [DEBUG] - Searching resource_check plugin for components ... [2025-01-20 15:57:40.456] [DEBUG] - Searching resource_check plugin for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.456] [DEBUG] - Found for oceanbase-ce-py_script_resource_check- for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.456] [DEBUG] - Call plugin oceanbase-ce-py_script_resource_check- for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.457] [DEBUG] - import resource_check [2025-01-20 15:57:40.459] [DEBUG] - add resource_check ref count to 1 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.459] [DEBUG] -- local execute: cat /proc/meminfo [2025-01-20 15:57:40.465] [DEBUG] -- exited code 0 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.466] [DEBUG] -- local execute: df --block-size=1024 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.475] [DEBUG] -- exited code 0 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.476] [DEBUG] -- get disk info for path /dev, total: 33468317696 avail: 33468313600 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.476] [DEBUG] -- get disk info for path /dev/shm, total: 33498505216 avail: 33498492928 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.476] [DEBUG] -- get disk info for path /run, total: 33498505216 avail: 30811492352 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.476] [DEBUG] -- get disk info for path /sys/fs/cgroup, total: 33498505216 avail: 33498505216 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.476] [DEBUG] -- get disk info for path /, total: 3964318842880 avail: 3688626937856 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.476] [DEBUG] -- get disk info for path /boot, total: 306380800 avail: 630784 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.476] [DEBUG] -- get disk info for path /home, total: 18988662784 avail: 5778546688 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.477] [DEBUG] -- get disk info for path /boot/efi, total: 314384384 avail: 306765824 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.477] [DEBUG] -- get disk info for path /var, total: 9992929280 avail: 2479927296 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.477] [DEBUG] -- get disk info for path /run/user/0, total: 6699700224 avail: 6699659264 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.477] [DEBUG] -- get disk info for path /run/user/1001, total: 6699700224 avail: 6699700224 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.477] [DEBUG] -- get disk info for path /run/user/1002, total: 6699700224 avail: 6699700224 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.477] [DEBUG] -- get disk info for path /data/docker/overlay2/0fa315e57bc814104a7c77d9aee7ec466daf8e3920e53e5fadd135b3527dbfe8/merged, total: 3964318842880 avail: 3688626937856 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.477] [DEBUG] -- get disk info for path /data/docker/overlay2/cd9f8282e8379f37540fe4c0b232c4aac02226b47ad2c4e00a1bb5507f569a81/merged, total: 3964318842880 avail: 3688626937856 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.477] [DEBUG] -- get disk info for path /home/dm/dm8, total: 1019011072 avail: 0 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.477] [DEBUG] -- local execute: df --block-size=1024 /root/oceanbase-ce/store/clog [2025-01-20 15:57:40.483] [DEBUG] -- exited code 0 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.484] [DEBUG] -- get disk info for path /, total: 3964318842880 avail: 3688626937856 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.484] [DEBUG] -- local execute: df --block-size=1024 /root/oceanbase-ce/store [2025-01-20 15:57:40.489] [DEBUG] -- exited code 0 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.489] [DEBUG] -- get disk info for path /, total: 3964318842880 avail: 3688626937856 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.490] [DEBUG] -- disk: {'/dev': {'total': 33468317696, 'avail': 33468313600, 'need': 0}, '/dev/shm': {'total': 33498505216, 'avail': 33498492928, 'need': 0}, '/run': {'total': 33498505216, 'avail': 30811492352, 'need': 0}, '/sys/fs/cgroup': {'total': 33498505216, 'avail': 33498505216, 'need': 0}, '/': {'total': 3964318842880, 'avail': 3688626937856, 'need': 0}, '/boot': {'total': 306380800, 'avail': 630784, 'need': 0}, '/home': {'total': 18988662784, 'avail': 5778546688, 'need': 0}, '/boot/efi': {'total': 314384384, 'avail': 306765824, 'need': 0}, '/var': {'total': 9992929280, 'avail': 2479927296, 'need': 0}, '/run/user/0': {'total': 6699700224, 'avail': 6699659264, 'need': 0}, '/run/user/1001': {'total': 6699700224, 'avail': 6699700224, 'need': 0}, '/run/user/1002': {'total': 6699700224, 'avail': 6699700224, 'need': 0}, '/data/docker/overlay2/0fa315e57bc814104a7c77d9aee7ec466daf8e3920e53e5fadd135b3527dbfe8/merged': {'total': 3964318842880, 'avail': 3688626937856, 'need': 0}, '/data/docker/overlay2/cd9f8282e8379f37540fe4c0b232c4aac02226b47ad2c4e00a1bb5507f569a81/merged': {'total': 3964318842880, 'avail': 3688626937856, 'need': 0}, '/home/dm/dm8': {'total': 1019011072, 'avail': 0, 'need': 0}} [2025-01-20 15:57:40.490] [WARNING] OBD-1012: ( clog and data use the same disk (/) [2025-01-20 15:57:40.490] [DEBUG] - sub resource_check ref count to 0 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.490] [DEBUG] - export resource_check [2025-01-20 15:57:40.490] [DEBUG] - plugin oceanbase-ce-py_script_resource_check- result: True [2025-01-20 15:57:40.490] [DEBUG] - Searching environment_check plugin for components ... [2025-01-20 15:57:40.491] [DEBUG] - Searching environment_check plugin for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.491] [DEBUG] - Found for oceanbase-ce-py_script_environment_check- for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.491] [DEBUG] - Call plugin oceanbase-ce-py_script_environment_check- for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.492] [DEBUG] - import environment_check [2025-01-20 15:57:40.494] [DEBUG] - add environment_check ref count to 1 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.495] [DEBUG] -- port check [2025-01-20 15:57:40.495] [DEBUG] -- local execute: bash -c 'cat /proc/net/{tcp*,udp*}' | awk -F' ' '{if($4=="0A") print $2,$4,$10}' | grep ':0B41' | awk -F' ' '{print $3}' | uniq [2025-01-20 15:57:40.518] [DEBUG] -- exited code 0 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.518] [DEBUG] -- local execute: bash -c 'cat /proc/net/{tcp*,udp*}' | awk -F' ' '{if($4=="0A") print $2,$4,$10}' | grep ':0B42' | awk -F' ' '{print $3}' | uniq [2025-01-20 15:57:40.542] [DEBUG] -- exited code 0 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.542] [DEBUG] -- local execute: ping -W 1 -c 1 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.553] [DEBUG] -- exited code 0 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.555] [DEBUG] - sub environment_check ref count to 0 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.555] [DEBUG] - export environment_check [2025-01-20 15:57:40.555] [DEBUG] - plugin oceanbase-ce-py_script_environment_check- result: True [2025-01-20 15:57:40.556] [DEBUG] - Searching obshell_port_check plugin for components ... [2025-01-20 15:57:40.556] [DEBUG] - Searching obshell_port_check plugin for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.557] [DEBUG] - Found for oceanbase-ce-py_script_obshell_port_check- for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.558] [DEBUG] - Call plugin oceanbase-ce-py_script_obshell_port_check- for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.558] [DEBUG] - import obshell_port_check [2025-01-20 15:57:40.560] [DEBUG] - add obshell_port_check ref count to 1 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.562] [DEBUG] -- port check [2025-01-20 15:57:40.562] [DEBUG] -- local execute: bash -c 'cat /proc/net/{tcp*,udp*}' | awk -F' ' '{if($4=="0A") print $2,$4,$10}' | grep ':0B46' | awk -F' ' '{print $3}' | uniq [2025-01-20 15:57:40.587] [DEBUG] -- exited code 0 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.588] [DEBUG] - sub obshell_port_check ref count to 0 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.588] [DEBUG] - export obshell_port_check [2025-01-20 15:57:40.588] [DEBUG] - plugin oceanbase-ce-py_script_obshell_port_check- result: True [2025-01-20 15:57:40.588] [DEBUG] - Searching scenario_start_check plugin for components ... [2025-01-20 15:57:40.588] [DEBUG] - Searching scenario_start_check plugin for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.590] [DEBUG] - Found for oceanbase-ce-py_script_scenario_start_check- for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.590] [DEBUG] - Call plugin oceanbase-ce-py_script_scenario_start_check- for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.590] [DEBUG] - import scenario_start_check [2025-01-20 15:57:40.592] [DEBUG] - add scenario_start_check ref count to 1 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.592] [DEBUG] - sub scenario_start_check ref count to 0 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.592] [DEBUG] - export scenario_start_check [2025-01-20 15:57:40.592] [DEBUG] - plugin oceanbase-ce-py_script_scenario_start_check- result: True [2025-01-20 15:57:40.593] [DEBUG] - Searching ocp_tenant_check plugin for components ... [2025-01-20 15:57:40.593] [DEBUG] - Searching ocp_tenant_check plugin for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.593] [DEBUG] - Found for oceanbase-ce-py_script_ocp_tenant_check- for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.594] [DEBUG] - Call plugin oceanbase-ce-py_script_ocp_tenant_check- for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.594] [DEBUG] - import ocp_tenant_check [2025-01-20 15:57:40.596] [DEBUG] - add ocp_tenant_check ref count to 1 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.596] [DEBUG] - sub ocp_tenant_check ref count to 0 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.596] [DEBUG] - export ocp_tenant_check [2025-01-20 15:57:40.597] [DEBUG] - plugin oceanbase-ce-py_script_ocp_tenant_check- result: True [2025-01-20 15:57:40.597] [DEBUG] - Searching start template for components ... [2025-01-20 15:57:40.598] [DEBUG] - Call workflow oceanbase-ce-py_script_workflow_start- for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.598] [DEBUG] - import start [2025-01-20 15:57:40.599] [DEBUG] - add start ref count to 1 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.599] [DEBUG] - sub start ref count to 0 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.599] [DEBUG] - export start [2025-01-20 15:57:40.599] [DEBUG] - plugin oceanbase-ce-py_script_workflow_start- result: True [2025-01-20 15:57:40.599] [DEBUG] - Found for oceanbase-ce-py_script_workflow_start- for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.599] [DEBUG] - Searching configserver_pre plugin for components ... [2025-01-20 15:57:40.600] [DEBUG] - Searching configserver_pre plugin for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.600] [DEBUG] - Found for oceanbase-ce-py_script_configserver_pre-3.1.0 for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.600] [DEBUG] - Call plugin oceanbase-ce-py_script_configserver_pre-3.1.0 for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.601] [DEBUG] - import configserver_pre [2025-01-20 15:57:40.602] [DEBUG] - add configserver_pre ref count to 1 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.603] [DEBUG] - sub configserver_pre ref count to 0 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.603] [DEBUG] - export configserver_pre [2025-01-20 15:57:40.603] [DEBUG] - plugin oceanbase-ce-py_script_configserver_pre-3.1.0 result: True [2025-01-20 15:57:40.603] [DEBUG] - Searching start_pre plugin for components ... [2025-01-20 15:57:40.603] [DEBUG] - Searching start_pre plugin for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.603] [DEBUG] - Found for oceanbase-ce-py_script_start_pre- for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.603] [DEBUG] - Call plugin oceanbase-ce-py_script_start_pre- for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.603] [DEBUG] - import start_pre [2025-01-20 15:57:40.605] [DEBUG] - add start_pre ref count to 1 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.605] [INFO] cluster scenario: express_oltp [2025-01-20 15:57:40.606] [DEBUG] -- local execute: ls /root/oceanbase-ce/store/clog/tenant_1/ [2025-01-20 15:57:40.616] [DEBUG] -- exited code 2, error output: [2025-01-20 15:57:40.616] [DEBUG] ls: 无法访问'/root/oceanbase-ce/store/clog/tenant_1/': 没有那个文件或目录 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.616] [DEBUG] [2025-01-20 15:57:40.616] [DEBUG] -- local execute: cat /root/oceanbase-ce/run/observer.pid [2025-01-20 15:57:40.623] [DEBUG] -- exited code 1, error output: [2025-01-20 15:57:40.623] [DEBUG] cat: /root/oceanbase-ce/run/observer.pid: 没有那个文件或目录 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.623] [DEBUG] [2025-01-20 15:57:40.623] [DEBUG] -- start command construction [2025-01-20 15:57:40.623] [DEBUG] -- update enable_record_trace_log to False because of scenario [2025-01-20 15:57:40.623] [DEBUG] -- update enable_syslog_recycle to 1 because of scenario [2025-01-20 15:57:40.623] [DEBUG] -- update max_syslog_file_count to 300 because of scenario [2025-01-20 15:57:40.624] [DEBUG] - sub start_pre ref count to 0 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.624] [DEBUG] - export start_pre [2025-01-20 15:57:40.624] [DEBUG] - plugin oceanbase-ce-py_script_start_pre- result: True [2025-01-20 15:57:40.624] [DEBUG] - Searching start plugin for components ... [2025-01-20 15:57:40.624] [DEBUG] - Searching start plugin for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.625] [DEBUG] - Found for oceanbase-ce-py_script_start-3.1.0 for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.625] [DEBUG] - Call plugin oceanbase-ce-py_script_start-3.1.0 for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.625] [DEBUG] - import start [2025-01-20 15:57:40.626] [DEBUG] - add start ref count to 1 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.627] [INFO] Start observer [2025-01-20 15:57:40.627] [DEBUG] -- starting observer [2025-01-20 15:57:40.628] [DEBUG] -- root@ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH='/root/oceanbase-ce/lib:' [2025-01-20 15:57:40.628] [DEBUG] -- local execute: cd /root/oceanbase-ce; /root/oceanbase-ce/bin/observer -r '' -p 2881 -P 2882 -z 'zone1' -n 'demo' -c 1737182584 -d '/root/oceanbase-ce/store' -I '' -o __min_full_resource_pool_memory=1073741824,enable_syslog_wf=False,max_syslog_file_count=4,memory_limit='8G',system_memory='3G',cpu_count=38,datafile_size='2G',datafile_maxsize='8G',datafile_next='2G',log_disk_size='14G',enable_record_trace_log=False,enable_syslog_recycle=1 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.797] [DEBUG] -- exited code 0 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.798] [DEBUG] -- root@ delete env LD_LIBRARY_PATH [2025-01-20 15:57:40.890] [DEBUG] -- need_bootstrap: True [2025-01-20 15:57:40.890] [DEBUG] - sub start ref count to 0 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.890] [DEBUG] - export start [2025-01-20 15:57:40.891] [DEBUG] - plugin oceanbase-ce-py_script_start-3.1.0 result: True [2025-01-20 15:57:40.891] [DEBUG] - Searching health_check plugin for components ... [2025-01-20 15:57:40.891] [DEBUG] - Searching health_check plugin for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.893] [DEBUG] - Found for oceanbase-ce-py_script_health_check-3.1.0 for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.893] [DEBUG] - Call plugin oceanbase-ce-py_script_health_check-3.1.0 for oceanbase-ce- [2025-01-20 15:57:40.893] [DEBUG] - import health_check [2025-01-20 15:57:40.895] [DEBUG] - add health_check ref count to 1 [2025-01-20 15:57:40.896] [INFO] observer program health check [2025-01-20 15:57:43.900] [DEBUG] -- program health check [2025-01-20 15:57:43.901] [DEBUG] -- local execute: cat /root/oceanbase-ce/run/observer.pid [2025-01-20 15:57:43.911] [DEBUG] -- exited code 1, error output: [2025-01-20 15:57:43.911] [DEBUG] cat: /root/oceanbase-ce/run/observer.pid: 没有那个文件或目录 [2025-01-20 15:57:43.911] [DEBUG] [2025-01-20 15:57:44.029] [WARNING] OBD-2002: Failed to start observer [2025-01-20 15:57:44.030] [DEBUG] - sub health_check ref count to 0 [2025-01-20 15:57:44.030] [DEBUG] - export health_check [2025-01-20 15:57:44.030] [DEBUG] - plugin oceanbase-ce-py_script_health_check-3.1.0 result: False [2025-01-20 15:57:44.037] [DEBUG] - share lock /root/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo release, count 1 [2025-01-20 15:57:44.038] [DEBUG] - share lock /root/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo release, count 0 [2025-01-20 15:57:44.038] [DEBUG] - unlock /root/.obd/lock/mirror_and_repo [2025-01-20 15:57:44.038] [DEBUG] - exclusive lock /root/.obd/lock/deploy_demo release, count 0 [2025-01-20 15:57:44.038] [DEBUG] - unlock /root/.obd/lock/deploy_demo [2025-01-20 15:57:44.039] [DEBUG] - share lock /root/.obd/lock/global release, count 0 [2025-01-20 15:57:44.039] [DEBUG] - unlock /root/.obd/lock/global [2025-01-20 15:57:44.039] [INFO] See https://www.oceanbase.com/product/ob-deployer/error-codes . [2025-01-20 15:57:44.039] [INFO] Trace ID: 38325942-d704-11ef-8d84-0894efa729c8 [2025-01-20 15:57:44.039] [INFO] If you want to view detailed obd logs, please run: obd display-trace 38325942-d704-11ef-8d84-0894efa729c8