[2024-01-31 15:20:06] INFO __init__.py:1611 parameters from cmd: host="", port=2889, user="root", password="Y{z0A)w9f]k)(|/", timeout="0", log-file="upgrade_checker.log" [2024-01-31 15:20:06] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select distinct value from GV$OB_PARAMETERS where name='min_observer_version', rowcount = 1 [2024-01-31 15:20:06] INFO __init__.py:1611 check observer version success, version = [2024-01-31 15:20:06] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select distinct value from GV$OB_PARAMETERS where name='min_observer_version', rowcount = 1 [2024-01-31 15:20:06] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select distinct value from oceanbase.__all_virtual_tenant_parameter_info where name='compatible', rowcount = 1 [2024-01-31 15:20:06] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select count(*) from oceanbase.__all_tenant, rowcount = 1 [2024-01-31 15:20:06] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select count(*) from __all_virtual_core_table where column_name in ('target_data_version', 'current_data_version') and column_value = 17180000513, rowcount = 1 [2024-01-31 15:20:06] INFO __init__.py:1611 check data version success, all tenant's compatible/target_data_version/current_data_version is [2024-01-31 15:20:06] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select count(1) as unsync_cnt from GV$OB_LOG_STAT where in_sync = 'NO', rowcount = 1 [2024-01-31 15:20:06] INFO __init__.py:1611 check paxos replica success [2024-01-31 15:20:06] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select count(1) as cnt from DBA_OB_TENANT_JOBS where job_status='INPROGRESS' and result_code is null, rowcount = 1 [2024-01-31 15:20:06] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select count(1) as rebalance_task_cnt from CDB_OB_LS_REPLICA_TASKS, rowcount = 1 [2024-01-31 15:20:06] INFO __init__.py:1611 check rebalance task success [2024-01-31 15:20:06] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select count(1) from CDB_OB_MAJOR_COMPACTION where (GLOBAL_BROADCAST_SCN > LAST_SCN or STATUS != 'IDLE'), rowcount = 1 [2024-01-31 15:20:06] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select /*+ query_timeout(1000000000) */ count(1) from __all_virtual_tablet_compaction_info where max_received_scn > finished_scn and max_received_scn > 0, rowcount = 1 [2024-01-31 15:20:06] INFO __init__.py:1611 check cluster status success [2024-01-31 15:20:06] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select count(*) as count from DBA_OB_TENANTS where status != 'NORMAL', rowcount = 1 [2024-01-31 15:20:06] INFO __init__.py:1611 check tenant status success [2024-01-31 15:20:06] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select count(*) as count from oceanbase.__all_virtual_tenant_info where tenant_role != 'PRIMARY' and tenant_role != 'STANDBY', rowcount = 1 [2024-01-31 15:20:06] INFO __init__.py:1611 check tenant info success [2024-01-31 15:20:06] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select count(*) from DBA_OB_TENANTS where LOCKED = 'YES', rowcount = 1 [2024-01-31 15:20:06] INFO __init__.py:1611 check tenant lock status success [2024-01-31 15:20:06] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select count(1) from CDB_OB_RESTORE_PROGRESS, rowcount = 1 [2024-01-31 15:20:06] INFO __init__.py:1611 check restore job success [2024-01-31 15:20:06] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select distinct value from GV$OB_PARAMETERS where name='min_observer_version', rowcount = 1 [2024-01-31 15:20:07] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select count(1) from __all_virtual_ddl_task_status, rowcount = 1 [2024-01-31 15:20:07] INFO __init__.py:1611 check ddl task execut status success [2024-01-31 15:20:07] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select count(1) from CDB_OB_BACKUP_JOBS, rowcount = 1 [2024-01-31 15:20:07] INFO __init__.py:1611 check backup job success [2024-01-31 15:20:07] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select distinct value from GV$OB_PARAMETERS where name='min_observer_version', rowcount = 1 [2024-01-31 15:20:07] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select distinct value from GV$OB_PARAMETERS where name='min_observer_version', rowcount = 1 [2024-01-31 15:20:07] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select distinct value from GV$OB_PARAMETERS where name='min_observer_version', rowcount = 1 [2024-01-31 15:20:07] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select count(*) from oceanbase.__all_server where (start_service_time <= 0 or status != "active"), rowcount = 1 [2024-01-31 15:20:07] INFO __init__.py:1611 check observer status success [2024-01-31 15:20:07] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select if (a.cnt = b.cnt, 1, 0) as passed from (select count(*) as cnt from oceanbase.__all_virtual_server_schema_info where refreshed_schema_version > 1 and refreshed_schema_version % 8 = 0) as a join (select count(*) as cnt from oceanbase.__all_server join oceanbase.__all_tenant) as b, rowcount = 1 [2024-01-31 15:20:07] INFO __init__.py:1611 check schema status success [2024-01-31 15:20:07] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select distinct(substring_index(build_version, '_', 1)) from __all_server, rowcount = 2 [2024-01-31 15:20:07] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select tenant_name from oceanbase.DBA_OB_TENANTS, rowcount = 7 [2024-01-31 15:20:07] INFO __init__.py:1611 check special tenant name success [2024-01-31 15:20:07] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select distinct value from GV$OB_PARAMETERS where name='min_observer_version', rowcount = 1 [2024-01-31 15:20:07] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select tenant_id from oceanbase.__all_tenant where compatibility_mode = 1, rowcount = 0 [2024-01-31 15:20:07] INFO __init__.py:1611 check oracle standby_replication privs success [2024-01-31 15:20:07] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select count(1) as cnt from oceanbase.__all_virtual_tenant_parameter_info where (name like "log_transport_compress_func" and value like "zlib_1.0"), rowcount = 1 [2024-01-31 15:20:07] INFO __init__.py:1611 check log_transport_compress_func success [2024-01-31 15:20:07] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select /*+ query_timeout(1000000000) */ count(1) from __all_virtual_table where (compress_func_name like '%zlib%'), rowcount = 1 [2024-01-31 15:20:07] INFO __init__.py:1611 check table compression method success [2024-01-31 15:20:07] INFO __init__.py:1611 succeed to execute query: select count(1) as cnt from GV$OB_PARAMETERS where (name like "tableapi_transport_compress_func" and value like "zlib%");, rowcount = 1 [2024-01-31 15:20:07] INFO __init__.py:1611 check table_api_transport_compress_func success [2024-01-31 15:20:07] ERROR __init__.py:1585 run error Traceback (most recent call last): File "/tmp/", line 700, in do_check check_fail_list() File "/tmp/", line 657, in check_fail_list raise MyError(error_msg) MyError: 'upgrade checker failed with 1 reasons: [servers build_version not match] ' [2024-01-31 15:20:07] ERROR __init__.py:1585 normal error Traceback (most recent call last): File "/tmp/", line 704, in do_check raise e MyError: 'upgrade checker failed with 1 reasons: [servers build_version not match] ' [2024-01-31 15:20:07] ERROR __init__.py:1585 normal error Traceback (most recent call last): File "/tmp/", line 735, in do_check(host, port, user, password, timeout, upgrade_params) File "/tmp/", line 713, in do_check raise e MyError: 'upgrade checker failed with 1 reasons: [servers build_version not match] '