OceanBase 大赛测试结果 - 2021/10/22 上午

输出列顺序与输入不一致。比如 select * from id,age from t;


age | id

1 | 2


dongzeyu : passed basic,select-meta,insert, commit id=f3862c39236f438bd4b0ff16fb5b2577bdd561fa, date=Fri Oct 22 11:35:17 2021 +0800

xiaoyong-z : passed basic,update,select-meta,drop-table, commit id=7dbf4aa2822c52b7be0b414050c40e0f21abeed5, date=Thu Oct 21 15:12:39 2021 +0800

zhengbumingbai : passed basic,update,select-meta,drop-table,insert,unique, commit id=be999be5f25a52f7f2fc7e4152bcfcf8903a84b0, date=Fri Oct 22 14:22:28 2021 +0800




基础的日期比较查询,没有实现。比如select * from t where d >'2020-10-20';

基础的日期比较查询,没有实现。比如select * from t where d >'2020-10-20';





create table t_basic(id int, age int, name char, score float);

insert into t_basic values(1,1, 'a', 1.0);

insert into t_basic values(2,2, 'b', 2.0);

insert into t_basic values(4,4, 'c', 3.0);

insert into t_basic values(3,3, 'd', 4.0);

insert into t_basic values(5,5, 'e', 5.5);

insert into t_basic values(6,6, 'f', 6.6);

insert into t_basic values(7,7, 'g', 7.7);

select * from t_basic;

delete from t_basic where id=3;

select * from t_basic;

select * from t_basic where id=1;

select * from t_basic where id>=5;

select * from t_basic where age>1 and age<3;

select * from tbasic where tbasic.id=1 and t_basic.age=1;

select * from t_basic where id=1 and age=1;

select id, age, name, score from t_basic;

select tbasic.id, tbasic.age, tbasic.name, tbasic.score from t_basic;

select tbasic.id, tbasic.age, name from t_basic;

create index iid on tbasic (id);

select * from t_basic;


谢谢! 我们更改了一下代码,修复了以上问题,能否麻烦您帮我们再测一次,感激不尽。https://github.com/EmperorNiu/miniob

Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target common

[ 23%] Built target common

Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target common_static

[ 46%] Built target common_static

Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target obclient

[ 47%] Built target obclient

Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target observer

[ 48%] Building CXX object src/observer/CMakeFiles/observer.dir/sql/executor/execution_node.cpp.o

/test/dask/test-tmp/Sunday361/miniob/src/observer/sql/executor/executionnode.cpp:22:20: error: ‘numericlimits’ in namespace ‘std’ does not name a template type

 using FLOAT = std::numeric_limits<float>;


compilation terminated due to -fmax-errors=1.

make[2]: *** [src/observer/CMakeFiles/observer.dir/sql/executor/execution_node.cpp.o] Error 1

make[1]: *** [src/observer/CMakeFiles/observer.dir/all] Error 2

make: *** [all] Error 2



请问一下我们组的 agg 具体是挂在哪个 case 了呀?




Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target common

[ 23%] Built target common

Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target common_static

[ 46%] Built target common_static

Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target obclient

[ 47%] Built target obclient

Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target observer

[ 47%] Building CXX object src/observer/CMakeFiles/observer.dir/sql/executor/execute_stage.cpp.o

/test/dask/test-tmp/J0kerMh/miniob/src/observer/sql/executor/executestage.cpp: In member function ‘RC ExecuteStage::doselect(const char, Query, SessionEvent*)’:

/test/dask/test-tmp/J0kerMh/miniob/src/observer/sql/executor/execute_stage.cpp:274:23: error: ‘const struct Selects’ has no member named ‘aggregation’; did you mean ‘relations’?

  } else if (selects.aggregation!= AGGUNDEFINED){



compilation terminated due to -fmax-errors=1.

make[2]: *** [src/observer/CMakeFiles/observer.dir/sql/executor/execute_stage.cpp.o] Error 1

make[1]: *** [src/observer/CMakeFiles/observer.dir/all] Error 2

元数据校验包括 表、字段,还有where条件中的字段

drop 不存在的表,你测试一下



是,是 date 没做的原因导致的吗?

date会测超过边界的情况吗 比如1970-1-1之前或者2038年2月之后

miniob/src/observer at main · zhengbumingbai/miniob (github.com) 可以帮我们看看date卡在哪里了吗